
发布 2021-04-19 17:06:28 阅读 8048


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科目:商务英语听说级班姓名: 学号:

一、 单项选择 (20%)

1. a quarrel __between the two neighbours.

a. broke out b. was broken out c.

is breaking out d. is broken out. peter, you __come to my home ,and we’ll wait for you.

a. /b. can c.

must d. will

. mr. brown, _you __three lanes and seven alleys(三坊七巷)last friday?

a. will; go to b. h**e; been to c did; go to d.

h**e; gone to. we were in qingdao last week and __great fun there.

a. will h**e b. h**e had c. had d. h**e

. –that t-shirt with yao ming’s picture on it___belong to d**id. he admires him a lot.

-no, it___be his. he hates black color.

a. can; can’t b. may; needn’t c.

must; mustn’t d. must; can’t. speaking english __so that you can make progress every day.

a. as soon as possible b. as often as possible c.

as good as possible d. as better as possible

. my dictionaryi h**e looked for it everywhere but still___it. a.

has lost; don’t find b. is missing; don’t find c. has lost; h**en’t found d.

is missing; h**en’t found. –are you on business here, kate? -noit’s my holiday today.

a. with pleasure b. my pleasure c.

for pleasure d. much pleasure. i wonder if i can visit him __time.

a. three b. third c.

the third d. a third 10. the movie star __with your sister, didn’t he?

a. was used to dance b. used to dancing c.

used to dance d. was used to dancing 11. there __a fashion show on cctv-at ten this evening.

a. will h**e b. is going to be c.

is going to h**e d. is staying 12. it is very cold; we should keep the fire __all night.

a. burning b. burned c. to burn d. burn 13. –what’s your opinion about it?

014bec商务英语考试全攻略 bec初级 bec中级 bec高级。

09级商务英语听说期末试卷第页,共4页,--you can __at a glance that the building was poorly built.

a. say b. see c. tell d. take 14. –do you think i can borrow your dictionary

a. yes, you could b. yes, go on c.

but i am using it myself d. no, go ahead 15six years since i began studying english.

a. they h**e been b. it has been c. it was d. there are

16. the american civil war lasted four years before the north won __the end. a.

by b. at c. in d.

on 17. –how does lucy drive now? -she drives __me.

a. much more careful than b. as careful as c.

even more carefully than d. as more carefully as 18. yesterday i wrote to you.

h**e you received___

a. the letter b. that c. /d. it

19. there will be many kinds of shoes __this saturday. i’ll go and buy a pair for my son.

a. on show b. on duty c.

on watch d. in show0. when autumn comes, the le**es of the trees __yellow.

a. turn b. get c. look d. be


1. 接通;接进去交通信号灯对…一无所知代替热销货stated-owned enterprisevocational education centercome outthe warring states period10. on of sight, out of man is wise at all is a five-day visit you were in china, you would find soup that is thin and clear

09级商务英语听说期末试卷第页,共4页,company mainly trades in electronic products16.趁热打铁17.可以优惠一点吗18.


三、根据句意补全对话 (20%)

1. a: 打搅一下,你知道理发店在哪儿吗?

down main street and trun right into victory **enue. keep going, then turn left into royal road. the barber’s is the second on the left.

a: 谢谢!

a: 四菜一汤,可以吗?


商务英语是国际商务环境中应用的英语 新视野商务英语视听说 第二版 秉承这一原则和编写理念,以真实交流语境为依托,构建视听说有机结合的互动教学模式,实现在商务环境中学英语 在学英语中获得商务知识 掌握商。务技能 培养职业素养的多重教学目标。素材真实生动。实景 使教学内容更加直观生动,有利于提高商务英语...


商务英语是以适应职场生活的语言要求为目的,内容涉及到商务活动的方方面面。下面是分享的商务英语的演讲稿,欢送欣赏!商务英语简介。关于商务英语,不少人会有疑问,终究是 商务中的英语 还是 商务加英语 商务 与 英语 两者内部到底是什么关系?确实纠缠不清!我们的汉语老师曾少波就说过 从构词上看,商务英语 ...


实训报告。班级商英本082班。姓名贾月。学号 2008823210 实训时间 2011年1月4日 2011年1月7日 商务英语听说实训 一 实训报告。一 实训内容及过程。周二,我们在张老师的指导下主要学习了怎样对公司以及相关产品进行简要介绍。首先,张老师用绕口令的独特方式开始了轻松的课堂教学,让我们...