
发布 2021-04-19 17:02:28 阅读 6815




得分。listening part (40%)

i:listen and circle. 听录音,圈出你听到的字母或单词。10%

1. a. a. chickb. clock

3. a. a. doorb. dog

5. a. 817b. 1786. a. cokeb. cake

7. a. nose b. nurse8. a. blue b. boat

9. a. pensb. pears10. a. books b. box

ii: listen and circle the picture you hear. 听录音,圈出你所听到的**。10%

1. ab2. ab

3. ab4. ababab

9. ab10. ab

iii: listen and choose. 听录音,圈出你所听到的句子。10%

1. a. how many boxes h**e youb. how many books h**e you?

2. a. two thin girls are in the rainb. two tall girls are in the rain.

3. a. mr li is hungryb. mrs is happy.

4. a. who’s he? he’s my fatherb. who’s she? she’s my mother.

kitty is my good friendb. alice is my sister.

6. a. clean the desk, pleaseb. close the door, please.

7. a. what can you seeb. what can you hear?

8. a. the orange is sourb. the apple is sweet.

9. a. what shape is it? it’s a circle. b. what shape is it? it’s a rectangle.

10. a. is this a white dog?

yes, it’s white. b. is this a white dog?

no, it’s black.

iv:listen and choose.听录音,圈出响应的应答句。5%

) they are trees. they are trees. trees.

) it’s a triange.

) ten.

) are you?

) you you.

v: listen and number. 听录音,写编号。5%

) they are butterflies.

) are they yellow?

) look at the insects.

) no, they are red and pink.

)what are they?

written part (58%)

i: read and write. 正确的书写下列句子,注意大小写及标点符号4%

1. what s your name my name is alice

this a library yes it is

ii:think and write 按要求写单词。5%




iii: look, read and write. 看图,写单词。6%

:think and write圈出不同类的单词。8%

)1. a. bookb. kitec. bagd. desk

)2. a. window d. close

)3. a. chicksb. ducks c. lionsd blackboard

)4. a. grandmother c. familyd. brother

)5. a.

) tallb. small c. caked. long

)7. thec. itd. an

:read and choose选词填空5%

1. my name___am, is, are) lucy.

boyam, is, are) hungry.

is, are) a girl. i’ve gota, an) big umbrella.

ata, an, the) girl.__he’s ,she’s) tall.

has got___a, an, the)ball. it’s forme, my)

is, are) an orange on the desk.__it’s, he’s, she’s)yellow.

:choose the right answers.选择正确的答案。10%

) is it

it’s ball. a ball.

) shape is it

a biscuit. a star.

) five. he’s nine. he’s my


) manyone flower.


) is a plant. ita flower.

) hot.__the window, please.

) am i?__kitty li.

) tail___short. my ears___long. i am a rabbit.

) is this? it’s a circle.

) are these?__hens.

) is my sister.__name is alice.

) is___sister.

)13.__is it? it’s a red kite.


) apple.

) two books on the desk.

: read and match 给下列问句配对。5%

) many pencilsa. no, they are butterflies.

) old are youb. it’s a circle.

) they fliesc. there are ten.

) shape is thisd. it’s a blackboard.

) thise. i’m ten.

:read and choose情景选择。5%


a. what shape is thisb. what is this?


a. open the window, please. b. clean the window, please.


a. i’m hungry, mumb. i’m happy, mum.


a. an orange, pleaseb. it’s an orange.


苏州国际外语学校小学生期末学业质量检测。三年级英语读写试卷。满分100分含卷面分2分时间 60分钟。得分。listening part 40 i listen and circle.听录音,圈出你听到的字母或单词。10 1.a.a.chickb.clock 3.a.a.doorb.dog 5.a.8...


四年级英语月考试卷四2013.1 班级姓名座位号得分。一 选出与所听到的单词同类的词,听两遍。1x6 6 二 选出与你所听到的内容相符的 听两遍。1x6 6 三 判断你所听到的内容是否和图意相符,用 或x表示,听两遍。1x8 8 四 根据所听句子选择相应的答句 可多选 听两遍。2x6 12 五 看图...


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