
发布 2021-04-19 17:04:28 阅读 5042

(考试时间:90分钟试卷分值:120 分)



listening part (20分)



一、 听句子,选单词:10分(每小题1分)

1.a. friend b. french c. fly

2.a. iceb. nicec. i’m

3.a. uncle b. eggc. apple

4.a. fruit b. foodc. floor

5.a. watch b. muchc. lunch

6.a. eatb. meetc. it

7. a. veryb. everyc. egg

8.a. lotsb. let’s c. what’s

9.a. nameb. samec. game

10.a. wall b. tallc. ball

二、听对话,选答语:5分 (每小题1分)

11. a. watching tv. b. doing homework. dinner.

12. a. meatb. fish. c. vegetables.

13. a. play tennis. b. play football. volleyball.

14. a. one. b. two. c. three.

15. a. easy. b. fun. c. hard.

三、听对话,选**:5分 (每小题1分)

16. what's the time?

17. where's the dog?

18. what does jack h**e?

19. what are they talking about?

20. what does the woman want to buy?


written part (100分)


21. it’s a big box . let meyou .

a. to help b. helps c. helping d. help

22. i can’t ride my bike, what’s wrongit ?

aboutc. ond. /

23. are there two __on the table?

a. bottles of milks b. bottle of milk

c. bottle of milks d. bottles of milk

24. i often watch tvthis evening i’m listening to the music.

a. and b. but c. ord. because

25your father do housework at home ?

no, he

a. is …is b. does…don’t c. does…doesn’t d. do…don’t

26. —hello, would you like to buy some fruit?

ok, let’s go to the

a. book shop b. library c. market d. post office

27do you go to school every day ?

by bike.

a. where c. what d. how

28. what do you like, a cup of tea a bottle of orange juice ?

a. andb. orc. butd. to

29. —is the boya book now ?

no, he’stv.

a. lookng, watching b. reading, watching

c . seeing, looking d. reading, looking

30. i can see only one shoe. where isone ?


31. the watch on the desk is __please give it to __

a. kate’s; him b. mike’s; her c. mike; him d. lucy’s; her

32. i usually to work . i like

walk walking c. walk , walking d. walking , walk

33. the trousers are yours. put

a. away them b. them away c. it away d. away it

liwei is great! he is the firstto fly to the moon.

b. japanese d. australian

i’d like some meat.

a. what do you dob. what do you h**e?

c. can i help youd. what do you buy?

五、完形填空:10分 (每小题1分)

jane is a nice girl 1 our class. she is in row one. she is fourteen years 2 .

she is not 3 and she is not short. she has a round face 4 an egg. she has two big black eyes and a small nose.

her mouth is small, 5 her ears are big. she 6 short, black hair. she likes 7 .

she is often 8 black clothes. but today she is wearing a white coat, brown trousers and white shoes. she likes animals(动物).

but she has 9 animals. she likes to play 10 table tennis. she is my good friend.

36. a. in b. on c. of d. at

37. a. young b. old c. small d. big

38. a. long b. short c. tall d. high

39. a. look like b. likes c. with d. like

40. a. and b. or c. but d. so

41. a. is b. has c. h**e d. are

42. a. black b. a black c. the black d. black cap

43. a. wear b. on c. in d. buys

44. a. no b. not c. not a d. no the

45. a. a b. an c. the d. /



hello! my name is mike. i am from the usa.

now i am in china with my parents. i like china. i like chinese food, too.

i h**e breakfast at home. i eat an egg, bread and porridge for breakfast. i do not like milk.

i h**e no time to go home for lunch. so i h**e it at school. the lunch in our school is good.

i can h**e different food for lunch. i eat rice, meat and vegetables. sometimes i h**e noodles and dumplings.

i h**e supper at home with my parents. sometimes we go out to eat with friends. we h**e chicken, vegetables and fruit.


考试时间 90分钟试卷分值 120 分 亲爱的同学们,经过一个学年的学习,你们在英语学科方面一定有很大进步,懂事的你们是否想把最优异的成绩作为礼物献给最可敬的父母和老师呢?请接受挑战吧!来吧,尽情地展示你们的风采!你一定行!listening part 20分 为你支招 同学们,你想答好听力题吗?那...


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一。词汇部分 a 词归类 countries 国家 1.中国2.日本3.加拿大。4.美国5.英国6.澳大利亚 7.法国8.新加坡 languages 语言 1.汉语2 日语3.法语4.英语。healthy food 1.蔬菜2.花椰菜3.胡萝卜。4.西红柿5.水果6.苹果。7 梨子8 柑,桔9.草莓...