
发布 2021-04-19 11:35:28 阅读 9696


1. it’s time to do sth.该是做……的时候了。

it’s time for sth. 该是……的时候了。

it’s time to go home. 是回家的时候了。

it’s time to for us to le**e here 我们现在该离开这儿了。

it’s time for school. 是上学的时候了。

it’s time for lunch. 到吃午餐的时间了。

2. it takes sb,some time to do sth.某人花费多长时间做某事。

how long does it take you to do sth? 你做某事花多长时间?

it took me half an hour to fall asleep last night. 昨天夜里我花了半个小时才入睡。

how long does it take you to do sports every day? 每天你花多长时间做运动?

3. you’d better do sth. 你最好做某事。(would)

you’d better not do sth. 你最好别做某事。

you’d better eat less and do more exercise. 如果你想**的话就要少吃多运动。

you’ better not go there by bus. 你最好别搭公车去那儿。

4. there is something wrong with… “有什么不对劲/出什么故障。”

there is something wrong with my cd player. 我的激光唱盘**器出毛病了。

there is something wrong with his nerve.他的神经有点毛病。

5.i like doing/to do 我喜欢做……

i like walking in the rain. 我喜欢雨中散步。

i like to listen to pop music. 我偶尔喜欢听流行**。

i did practice a lot, like doing lots of reading exercises every day.


6.i’d like sth…我想要 ……would)

i’d like to do sth…我喜欢做某事……

i’d like sb to do sth..我要某人做某事…..

i’d like a cup of tea. 我想要一杯茶。

i’d like to play football. 我喜欢踢足球。

i’d like you to see my parents. 我希望你见见我的父母。

7.would you like to do sth?你愿意做……?提出建议)

would you like a sandwich? 你想吃三明治吗?

would you like to call him? 你愿意打**给他吗?

would she like to borrow my bicycle? 她想借用我的自行车吗?

8.so that 因此,以致;以便,为的是。

i bought a boat so that i can go fishing. 我买了一条船,这样我可以去钓鱼了。

she worked hard so that everything would be ready by 6 o’clock.



he was so excited that he couldn’t fall asleep. 他兴奋得无法入睡。

he so loves his daughters that he keeps cooking breakfast for them. 他非常爱女儿,经常给她们做早餐。

10. such…that…这样的……以致。

he is such a kind man that everyone likes him very much.

he is so kind a man that everyone likes him very much.



the box is too he**y for me to carry.(the box is so he**y that i can’t carry it.)


it’s too cold to swim in the sea. 天太冷还不能下海游泳。

12.be late for… …迟到了。

he is late for school. 他上学迟到了。

it’s never too late to stop smoking. 戒烟何时都不算晚。

13.don’t do sth.别做某事。

don’t litter. 不要随便乱仍东西!

don’t lie to me. 你别跟我撒谎!

14.enjoy(finish, go on, be busy, keep)doing sth.喜欢(完成,继续,忙于,保持)做某事。

she enjoys walking in the park. 她喜好在公园里走。

i h**e finished reading this book. 我把这本书读完了。

you can’t go on working without a break. 你不能不停地工作而不休息。

my father is busy writing letters for the readers. 我爸爸正忙着给他的读者写信呢。

keep talking amongst yourselves, i’ll be back in a minute. 你们继续谈,我一会儿就回来。

15.tell (ask ) sb to do sth.要求(吩咐)某人做某事。

tell(ask)sb not to do sth. 要求(吩咐)某人别做某事。

he often tells me not to take a joke on older people. 他常告戒我不要和老年人开玩笑。

i asked her to shut the window. 我让她关上窗户。

16.let’s do sth.让我们做某事。

let’s play guitar, shall we? 让我们弹奏吉他吧,好吗?

let us play guitar, will you? 让我们弹奏吉他,,行吗?

17.what/how about +n/doing sth?..怎么样?

what about a trip? 来一次旅行怎么样?

how about a hot bath? 洗个热水澡怎么样?

what about h**ing a try? 尝试一下怎么样?

how about going out for a walk? 出去散散步好吗?

18.why not do sth?为什么不做某事呢?

why don’t you do sth? 为什么你不做某事?

why not go with us? 跟我们一起去,好不好?

why don’t you go with us? 为什么你不跟我们一起去呢?

19.keep sth+adj.让某事保持……状态。

keep sb. doing sth.让某人持续做某事。

keep the room tidy and clean. 保持房间整洁。

don’t take off your shoes so that keep your feet warm. 别脱鞋,让脚保暖。

i’m sorry to kept you waiting. 不好意思让你久等了。


i won’t turn on the tv until my mother agrees. 我要得到母亲允许才可以打开电视。

until she spoke i hadn’t realized she was foreign. 她要不说话我还一直不知道她是外国人。

the secret had been never told until the policeman was dead. 这个秘密在警察去世后才说出来。

21.make sb. do sth 让某人做……

they made us play football in the rain.他们让我们冒雨踢足球。

nothing will make me change my mind. 无论什么事都不能使我改变主意。

what makes you say that? 是什么原因让你说出那种话来?

22.sorry to do….很抱歉(遗憾)做某事。

sorry for doing….很抱歉(遗憾)做某事。

i’m sorry to hear that. anything i can do for you?


i am sorry for being so bad to you, i promise, i will never do that to you ever.


23.both…and… …和……都 (做主语是谓语用复数)

both he and his father go jogging in the park every day.


for me, mountaineering is both relaxation and a hobby.



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