
发布 2023-12-04 04:05:10 阅读 1449


1 .like/enjoy/finish/mind/keep doing sth.喜欢/喜爱/完成/介意/保持做某事【例句】i enjoy listening to light music.

我喜爱听轻**。2 .be busy doing sth.


例句】my parents are busy planting trees.我的父母正忙着植树。3. want to do sth.想要做某事。

例句】he wants to h**e a picnic.他想去野餐。4 .would like to do sth.愿意做某事。

例句】would you like to go fishing with me?你愿意和我一起去钓鱼吗? sb.

(not) to do sth.请求/告诉某人(不)做某事。

例句】my father asked me to go to school early.我父亲让我早去学校。6 .ask sb. for sth.向某人请求帮助。

例句】you can ask mrs. li for help.你可以向***求助。7 .help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事。

例句】lily always helps her mother look after her little brother.莉莉经常帮妈妈照看弟弟。8 .

help sth.帮助某人某事。

例句】tom helped his mother with the housework yesterday.汤姆昨天帮妈妈做了家务。

9. stop to do sth.停下来(一件事)去做另一件事。

例句】please stop to listen to the teacher?请停下来听老师讲。10. stop doing sth.停止做某事。

例句】stop ****** so much noise!不要这么吵闹了! sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事。

例句】nothing can stop me from helping others.什么也挡不住我帮助他人。12.

remember to do sth./ remember doing sth.记得做某事/记得做过某事【例句1】please remember to turn off the light.

请记得关灯。【例句2】i remembered turning off the light.我记得关灯了。

13. forget to do sth./ forget doing sth.

忘记做某事/忘记做过某事【例句1】don’t forget to do your homework.别忘了做作业。【例句2】i forgot returning the book.

我忘记我把书还了。14 .it is +adj.

for sb. to do sth.对某人来说做某事是怎样的。

例句】it is helpful for us to take notes in class.在课上作笔记很有帮助。 it + adj to do sth.发现做某事是怎样的。

例句】i find it easy to learn swimming.我发现学习游泳很简单。16 .

it’s time for sth./to do sth.到了某事/做某事的时间了。

例句】it’s time to go to school./ it’s time for school.该上学了。

17 .make / let sb.(not) do sth.


例句】they make us play football in the rain.他们让我们在雨中踢足球。18 .

see/hear sb. do(doing) sth.看见/听见某人做过/正在做某事【例句1】i saw him dance in the park.


例句2】i heard someone shouting,“fire!”我听到有人大叫:着火了!

19 .what about /how about doing sth…?做某事怎么样…?

【例句】what about going out for a walk?出去散步怎么样?20 .

why not do…? why don’t you do…?为什么不做……?

例句】why not go to the movies?为什么不去看电影?21 .

you’d better (not) do sth.你最好做(不做)某事。

例句】you’d better keep quiet in the library.在图书馆里你最好保持安静。 sb.

sth.= buy sth. for sb.


例句】please buy a pen for me.请为我买一只钢笔。

sb. sth.= give/show/b/lend/send/pass sth. to sb.给/展示/借/发送/传递某物给某人。

例句】please give him the pen. =please give the pen to him.把这支钢笔递给他。

24 .thank sb. for(doing)sth.

为某事感谢某人【例句】thank you for inviting us.谢谢你邀请我们。25 .

look forward to doing sth.盼望做某事。

例句】i’m looking forward to visiting beijing.我盼望去参观北京。 good/bad for…对…有益(害)

例句】it’s good for your health.那对你的健康有好处。27. be good at sth./doing sth.擅长某事/做某事。

例句】he is good at playing football.他擅长踢足球。 well in sth.

/doing sth.在某方面做到的好【例句】he does well in math.他数学学得好。

late for…迟到。

例句】she is late for school again.她又上学迟到了。30 .be famous for…以……著名。

例句】france is famous for its wine.法国以美酒闻名于世。 famous as…作为……著名。

例句】mo yan is famous as a writer.莫言作为一个作家而闻名。 soon as一……就……

例句】i’ll call you as soon as i arrive/ get to/ reach shanghai.我一到上海就给你打**。

33 .as…as possible尽可能……

例句】please get up as early as possible.请尽可能早起床。34 .as…as和……一样。

例句】i am as tall as my uncle.我和我的叔叔一样高。 +比较级,the+比较级越……越……

例句】the harder you work, the more successfulyou’ll be.你现在工作越努力,你将来就会越成功。

of the +形容词最高级+ n(pl.)…之一。

例句】james is one of the best basketball players in the world.詹姆斯是世界上最好的篮球运动员之一。37 .


例句】he won’t be back until the rain stops.直到雨停了他才回来。38 .

prefer…to…/prefer to dorather thando...喜欢……而不是……【例句】i prefer reading to shopping.我喜欢阅读而不是购物。

例句】i prefer to read books rather than go shopping.我宁愿读书而不是去购物。如此……以至于……

例句】i got up so late this morning that i missed the train.今天早晨我起的如此晚以至于错过了火车。40 .


例句】the work is too hard for me to do it alone.这项工作太难,我独自做不了。41 .what’s wrong with…?

例句】what’s wrong with you?你怎么啦?42. i don’t think that…我认为……不……

例句】i don’t think she knows the way.我想她不认识路。43 .

it takes sb some time. to do sth.做某事花费某人多少时间。

例句】it took them 2 hours to finish the journey.他们花了两个小时完成旅程。

44 .sb. spend…on /(in) doing sth.某人在某事上/做某事花费(时间或金钱)

例句1】we spend an hour listening to english every day.我们每天花一小时听英语。【例句2】she spent much money on the clothes.

她花很多钱买衣服。45. sb.


例句】he paid 100 dollars for the scarf.这条围巾他花了100美元。46. sth. cost sb.…某物花费某人……

例句】the scarf cost him 100 dollars.这条围巾花了他100美元。47 .both…and…两者都。

例句】both english and math are important.英语和数学都重要。要么……要么…..或者……或者……

例句】either my mum or my dad cooks.我妈妈或爸爸在平时做饭。49 .neither…nor…既不……也不……

例句】neither my parents nor my sister has dinner at home.我父母和姐姐中午都不在家吃饭。

50 .not only…but also…不但……而且……

例句】he can speak not only english but also french.他不仅会讲英语还会**语。


中考英语50句型过关练习。1.一 就 2 像 一样 中间加形容词或副词 3.尽可能 中间加副词 4.向某人要。5.问某人或告诉某人如何做某事 6.担心 害怕做某事 7 因 为 而出名 迟到 准 遗憾 抱歉8.高兴干某事。9.将某物给 展示 带来 借出 送 递 告诉 提供给某人第一种 第二种 10 买...


班级 姓名 1.一 就 2.和 一样。3.不如 4.尽可能地 5.叫某人 别 去做某事。6.随身带走 拿来 7.害怕 8.忙于做 9.为 做好准备。10.迟到 11.给某人某物。12.或者 或者。13.喜欢做 14.变得越来越 15.继续做 16.和 和睦相处。17.最好做 18.帮助某人做某事。1...


2011届中考英语50句型阶梯训练 六 一 2010 2011 02 1.抽烟对身体不好,我们最好劝赵老师戒烟。smoke,so mr.zhao 2.昨天的那些数学题太难了,所有学生都没做完家庭作业。those math problemsthe homework yesterday.3.天气变得越来...