
发布 2021-04-19 11:07:28 阅读 2132


1. as soon as

1) 我一到巴黎就会给你打**.


2) 她说她一完成学业就会志愿去做一名乡村教师.

she said shebe a village teacherher education.

2. (not) as/so…as

1) 他不像以前那样勤奋了。

he’sas he

2) 我觉得他读英语不及他哥哥好。

i don’t think he reads englishhis elder brother.

3. as …as possible

1) 我们应该尽量帮助父母做家务。

weto help parents with chores

2) 别担心, 他会尽快来看你的。

don’t worry, he will come to see you

4. ask sb for sth

1) tom有困难的时候,总是找我帮忙.

when tom ishe always

2) 一些中国学生向mr. white请教提高英语听力的建议.

some chinese how to improve english listening.

5. ask /tell sb how to do sth

ask /tell sb (not) to do sth

1) 他过来问我怎么去最近的书店怎么走.

he came toto get to the nearest bookstore.

2) 爷爷昨天告诉我怎样种树.

my grandpatrees yesterday.

3) 妈妈总是叫我别说谎.

my mother always

4) mr. white说:“我告诉过你别爬树,危险!”

ithe trees. it’s dangerous.” mr. white said.

6. be afraid of doing sth / be afraid that(恐怕)

1) jack过去害怕演讲, 但现在他很擅长。

jack used toa speech, but now he is very good at it.

2) 恐怕要下雨了.你最好带把伞。

iit’s going to rainan umbrella with you.

7. be busy doing sth

1) 北京人民自从200年以来一直忙于准备奥运会.

people in beijingthe 2008 olympics since 2001.

2) 小男孩正忙着玩游戏,妈妈在说什么,他一点也没留意.

the little boygames, and he paid no attention to what his mother was saying.

8. be famous / late /ready / sorry for

1) 中国因其悠久的历史和灿烂的文化而闻名.

chinaits long history and splendid culture.

2) 老师叫我们上学别再迟到了.

the teacher asked us not toschool

3) 你为即将到来的期末考试做好准备了吗?

thefinal exam?

4) 对不起给你添了不少麻烦.

iyou so much trouble.

5) 我同情那些不能上学的孩子,我想尽力帮助他们.

ithe children who can’t go to school, and i want tohelp them.

9. be glad that/ be glad to do sth

1) 我们很高兴将有一个30天的假期.

wewe will h**e aholiday.

2) 她很高兴她的英语取得了很大进步.

shethat sheenglish.

(3) ihelp you with your english.

10. both … and…

1) 瞧! lucy 和妹妹正在马路两旁植树。

looklucy her sistertrees on __side of the street.

2) 他非常聪明,会讲英语和日语。

he isspeak englishjapanese.

11. buy sb sth/ buy sth for sb

1) 昨天妈妈给我买了一件圣诞节礼物。

yesterday moma christmas gift.

2) 你知道他们要买什么送给老师?

do you know ?

12. give/show/send/pass/bring/lend/tell sb sth /sth to sb

a. give sb sth/ give sth to sb

1) 你是否愿意给我们一些度假建议?

could you please

2) 请把这本书给我吧。

this book, please.

b. show sb sth/ show sth to sb

1) 他明天一到学校,就要给我们看他的**。

heas soon as he gets to school tomorrow.

2) 您能出示一下票吗?

would you mind

c. send sb sth/ send sth to sb

1) 你能否把你的计划用电子邮件发给我呢?

could you

2) 几天前,tom寄给了我一张明信片。

the other day, tom

d. pass sb sth / pass sth to sb

1) 请把盐递给妈妈。


2) 她很高兴她通过了考试。

she is glad that she

e. bring sb sth/ bring sth to sb

1) 明天你来学校时最好给我们带上那张海报。

you’d betterwhen you come to school tomorrow.

2) 他总是把快乐带给所有人。

he is always

f. lend sb sth /lend sth to sb

1) 我的车坏了, 可以把你的自行车借我吗?

my car is broken down. will you

2) 老师让你把英语书借给她用一下。

the teacher asked you

g. tell sb sth /tell sth to sb

1) 在我四岁的时候,祖父总是给我讲故事。

grandpa used towhen i was four years old.

2) 他昨晚给我们讲了许多关于他在巴黎的经历。

helast night.


中考50个重点句型。1.as soon as 2.not as so as3.as as possible 4.ask sb for sth.5.ask tell sb.how to do sth.6.ask tell sb.not to do sth.7.be afraid of doing st...


by the time the bell rang,every member of the class was busy reading.he has been busy with his work all week.9.be late for 迟到。don t be late for school...


中考英语重点句型 短语 点 1 短语 词组归纳 由动词开头构成的短语 词组很多。复习时应分类处理 一 动词 介词。1 look at 看 look like 看上去像 look after 照料 2 listen to 听 3 welcome to 欢迎到 4 say hello to 向 问好。5...