
发布 2021-04-19 11:11:28 阅读 3499

… as … not as/so … as) 和…一样… (不如…)

he doesn’t run as/so fast as jim. 他跑得没有吉姆快。

our classroom is as clean as theirs. 我们的教室和他们的一样干净。

2. as…as possible 尽可能 …

i’ll return it as soon as possible. 我将尽快归还(它)。

3. as soon as 一…就…

don’t worry. he will call us as soon as he arrives in the usa. 别担心,他一到美国就会给我们打**的。

he wrote to mr gao as soon as he arrived in london. 他一到伦敦就给高先生写了信。

sb. how to do sth.问/告诉某人怎么做某事。

i ask /tell the man how to get to the hotel. 我问/告诉这个男人如何到达这个旅馆。

sb. to do (not to do) sth.叫/告诉,吩咐,某人做(不做)某事。

tell him not to be late. 告诉他别迟到。

my mother told/asked me to wash clothes. 我妈妈告诉/让我洗衣服。

6. ask sth. 跟某人要…/要求得到…

don’t always ask your parents for money. 别总是向你父母要钱。

7. be late for … 迟到。

don’t be late for school again. 别再上学迟到。

we are late for the train. 我们晚了,没赶上火车。

famous for以…而著名 (类似的还有be ready for,be sorry for)

australia is famous for koalas. 澳大利亚以考拉而著名。

he was late for the meeting yesterday. 他昨天开会迟到了。

9. be (feel) afraid of/that … 害怕…

i’m afraid of walking alone. 我害怕一个人走。

cats are usually afraid of dogs. 猫通常都怕狗。

i’m afraid that i can’t go with you. 恐怕我不能和你一起去。

10. be glad that… 对…很高兴。

i’m glad that you can come. 我很高兴你能来。

11. both…and… 两者都。

he can speak both english and french. 他英语和法语都会说。

12. either … or或者…或者…

they were either too big or too small. 它们要不太大,要不太小。

either you or i am wrong要么你错了,要么我错了。

13. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做…(类似的还有hate, finish, like, mind, stop, keep, go on, be busy等)

we enjoy watching tv. 我们喜爱看电视。

he hates doing house work. 他讨厌做家务。

i h**e finished doing my homework. 我已经做完家庭作业。

my mother likes swimming very much. 我妈妈非常喜欢游泳。

it was already dark, but they still went on working in the field. 天已经黑了,但是他们仍然在田野里继续工作。

by the time the bell rang, every member of the class was busy reading. 到铃响时,班里每个成员都在忙着阅读。

14. get on with 与某人相处。

i’m getting on well with my classmates. 我和我的同学相处融洽。

how are you getting on with your parents? 你和你的父母相处的怎样?

15. get ready for/get sth. ready 准备好

h**e you got ready for the exam? 你已经为考试做好准备了吗?

please get everything ready. 请把东西都准备好。

16. get + 形容词的比较级 …变得…

the weather gets warmer and the days get longer. 天气变得更暖和,白天变得更长。

i am getting taller and taller. 我变得越来越高。

17. give sb sth. =give sth to sb 给某人某物(类似的词还有bring, show, lend,send, pass, buy, tell等)

give me that piece, please. 请把那份给我。

give the book to me, please. 请把书给我。

bring me the book when you come tomorrow. 你明天来的时候把书带给我。

show me the ticket, please. 请把票出示给我看看。

will you please lend me your bike? 请把你的自行车借给我好吗?

18. help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人。

he often helps me with my math after school. 他经常在放学后帮我学数学。

19. had better do (not do) sth. 最好做(不做)某事。

you’d better come here earlier tomorrow. 你明天最好早一点儿到这。

you’d better not eat too much meat. 你最好别吃太多肉。

20. i don’t think + 从句我认为…不…

i don’t think chickens can swim. 我认为鸡不会游泳。

i don’t think he can come. 我认为他不会来。

21. it’s time to do sth. it’s time for … 该…的时候了。

oh, it’s time to play games. 噢,到该玩游戏的时间了。

it’s time for class该上课了。

it’s time for sb to do sth. 该某人做某事了。

it’s time for us to go to school. 我们该上学了。

22. it’s + adj + for sb) +to do sth. (对于某人)做某事是…

it’s difficult (for us) to learn english well. (对我们而言,)学好英语是困难的。

it’s good (for you) to get up early and go to bed early. 早睡早起(对你)有好处。

23. it’s bad (good) for …对…有害(有益)

it’s bad for your eyes to read in bed. 躺在床上看书对你的眼睛有害。

young people love this time of year, because it is good for sports. 年轻人喜爱每年的这个时候,因为有利于做运动。

24. it is two metres (years) long (high, wide, old).

it is four meters long. 有四米长。

the house is three meters high. 这房子有三米高。

the river is ten meters wide. 这条河有十米宽。

the boy is eleven years old. 这男孩有十一岁。

25. it takes sb. time to do sth. (某人)花费…时间做某事。

i like writing to my penfriend, but it takes (me) a lot of time. 我喜欢给笔友写信,但是花我很多时间。

how long does it take you to get there by bus? 坐公共汽车到那儿花你多长时间?

26. spend… on sth., spend …(in) doing花…时间/钱。

he spent a lot of money on books. 他花大量的钱买书。

i spend two hours on my homework every day. 我每天花两个小时做作业。

i spend two hours (in)doing my homework every day. 我每天花两个小时做作业。

27. keep sb doing sth (keep sth + adj)不断做某事(使某物保持某种状态)

keep passing the ball to each other. 一直互相传球。


中考重点句型50例。1.as soon as 1 我一到巴黎就会给你打 iyouparis.2 她说她一完成学业就会志愿去做一名乡村教师 she said shebe a village teacherher education.2.not as so as 1 他不像以前那样勤奋了。he sas ...


中考50个重点句型。1.as soon as 2.not as so as3.as as possible 4.ask sb for sth.5.ask tell sb.how to do sth.6.ask tell sb.not to do sth.7.be afraid of doing st...


by the time the bell rang,every member of the class was busy reading.he has been busy with his work all week.9.be late for 迟到。don t be late for school...