
发布 2021-04-18 17:01:28 阅读 4129

湘鲁版英语五年级上册教案 unit 7


公告:unit 7 i want to be a policeman .

lesson 19


unit 7 i want to be a policeman . lesson 19

教材分析:本课围绕john , li wei , joe , carly , tingting 在图书室讨论**展开话题。通过对句型what do you want to be ?


教学目标。1、 能听懂并会说新单词:a teacher , a doctor , a nurse , a fireman , a postman , a policeman .

2、 能听懂并会说句型:what do you want to be ? i want to be a …

3、 能听懂并会说本课会话,并与他人交流对未来的梦想。





教学过程。step 1 warm – up

1. free talk : good morning .

nice to meet you . what's the weather like ? what do you want to eat / drink ?

等。2. 说唱第18课的 chant .

ride , ride ! ride mybike.

drive , drive ! drive my car .

line ,line! draw a line .

fine , fine ! that looks fine .

kite , kite ! it's mike's kite .

mike , mike ! who's mike ?

step 2 revision

游戏:magic eye .快速呈现数字等,先让学生报数,逐渐过渡到句子:i'm 20/32/40…

step 3 presentation

教师展示**并介绍:look at this picture .she is a teacher .

板书并教读:a teacher , she is a teacher .

同法教读:a doctor , a nurse , a fireman , a postman, a policeman .

step 4 practice

游戏:guess : what's she / he ? 教师把**混在一起,让学生猜:what's she / he ?

step 5 presentation

1、t : when i am 18 , i want to be a doctor . what do you want to be ?

引导学生说:? i want to be a …

2、教读:i want to be a …

3、问答:t:what do you want to be ?

s:i want to be a …

4、教读:what do you want to be ?


6、带读:he s**es people from the fire . please do not talk in the library .

7、让学生合上书。listen and answer the questions :

1)、what does john want to be ?

2)、what does li wei want to be ?

3)、what does joe want to be ?

4)、what does carly want to be ?

5)、what about tingting ?


step 6 practice

1、 listen and match . 五年级(上)活动手册 p128 )

2、 listen and number . 五年级(上)活动手册 p128 )

3、 look and write . 五年级(上)活动手册 p129 )

step 7 consolidation and extension

游戏:完成书中的activity 1 pick and read

1、 t: letˊs play a game .i write my dream on the ***** . who can read it ?

2、 让每位学生写上自己的名字和职业理想放入纸盒内。

3、 请学生上台抽出一张纸条并讲出纸条上的内容。xx ,when iˊm … i want to be a …

教学反思。本课设计,以感知、学习词汇、语言、操练、巩固为主,教学重点为单词:a teacher , a doctor , a nurse , a fireman , a postman, a policeman .


我在集中学习对话前,设置了一个listen and answer环节,来考察学生回答问题的能力。在step 6 practice 中,又穿插了两道听力题listen and match .和listen and number ,考察了学生理解对话的能力以及对教材新知的把握。

在最后的consolidation and extension 环节又设计了一个游戏,是对本课内容的升华。这一设计主要是培养学生的口语表达语言能力。


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