七上英语英语9 10单元

发布 2021-04-18 17:00:28 阅读 9846

unit 9 do you want to go to a movie?

第一课时 (sectiona1a—2c)

学习目标。1. 掌握单词: 去。






2. 谈论对电影类型的喜好。

3. 学会表达想要某物以及想做某事:

do you want to see a movie ?

yes, i do . no, i don’t .

does she want to go to a movie ?

yes, she does . no, she doesn’t .

what kind of movie do you like ?

i like action movies and comedies .

4. 根据听力材料获取所需信息。

学法指导 1.尝试根据文章中句型进行替换练习


课前准备。1. 背诵p54 grammar focus 四组单复数;

2. 试读grammar focus中的句型并背诵;

3. 读1a,完成下列四个字母所代表的单词并写出汉语意思。


1. 这是一部动作片。许多男孩子喜爱动作片。

this is

many boys like


my mother doesn’t likemuch .


i like___they’re

难点指导。1. want 在本文中是一个行为动词,意思是“想,想要”。它的单三式为wants。

1) 后接名词,意为“想要某物”(第七单元已出现,请补全句子):


hethis yellow shirt.


2) 后接动词不定式to do, 表示“想做某事”:

to h**e asports collection.


he doesn’t wantsoccer.


3) 后接人物再接动词不定式,意为“想让某人做某事”:

do you want me to help you ? 你是不是想要我帮你忙?

i want you to take it to them . 我想让你把这个给他们带去。

2. kind 意为“种类”,复数为kinds,常与of连用,如:a kind of plants一种植物;

many kinds of fruits 许多种水果。


课堂活动:1. 预习情况检查,交流存在的问题。

2. 回归书本,完成p53、p54的内容,进行听力练习。

巩固练习。一. 单选题(50分,每小题5分)

)1. this is an

a. comedy b. thriller

c. documentary d. action movie

)2. i like thrillers ,_my sister doesn’t. a. so b. and c. but d. or

)3. my brother __to see a movie this evening.

a. want b. wants

c. is want d. does wants

)4. what kind of __do they need ?

a. the book b. a book

c. books d. book

)5. my father __sports on tv every day.

a. watchs b. watches

c. watching d. is watch

)6. _your friend want to go to a movie ? yes ,she

a. has , has b. can , can

c. is , is d. does, does

) brother and he __to see an action movie.

a. want b. wants

c. does want d. wanting

)8. they sell many __clothes in the store.

a. kind b. kinds c. kind of d. kinds of

)9. my brother likes action movies __i like them ,too.

a. and b. or c. but d. so

)10. he___to a movie .

a. want to go b. wants to go

c. want go d. wants go


1. i want to go to a movie. (改为一般疑问句并回答)

___yougo to a movie ?

yesno2. does he want to see a movie ? 改为肯定句)

hea movie .

3. she likes thrillers . 改为一般疑问句并回答)

shethrillers ?

yesno4什么样的电影) do you like ?

5. my sister likes documentaries .(对划线部分提问)

movies __your sister like ?

6. are these new action movies ? 作肯定、否定回答)


1. you, do , like, comedies

2. go , you , do, to, want, movie, a, to

3. kind, he, like, what, of, does, food

4. like, movies, i, comedies, and, action

want, doesn’t, see, documentaries, to

第二课时(section a3a—4)

学习目标:1. 生词:歌剧。



学生。2. 谈论并交流对电影戏剧的喜好。

3. 句型。

i like thrillers and i like action movies.

maria likes thrillers but she doesn’t like comedies.


unit 12 my f orite subject is science section 1a 1c 第一课时 基础课导学设计 叶圣恩。教学内容。section a 教材p71 一。学习目标。1.知识与能力。section a的主要内容是学习 询问和谈论别人或自己喜好的学科并给出理由 学会合理地安...


7aunit1单词。1.电子狗 2.主人3.年4.年级。5.阅读6.兴趣小组 7.每个人 8.出生。9.在。后10.苗条的 11.长的 12.13.努力地 14.短的15.游泳 16.穿17.眼睛18.喜欢 19.有礼貌的 20.乐于助人的。21.业余爱好 22.羽毛球 23.排球 24.球场。25...


7aunit5 单词。1.钱包2.夹子3.相册 4.贴纸。5.悠悠6.主意7.已经 8.店主。9.分钟10.稍等片刻 11.花费 12.非常。13.昂贵的14.打折15.与 相配 16.美丽的。17.也18.足够的19.不要紧 20.高的。21.等,等候 22.家电商场 23.书店 24.随身听。2...