
发布 2021-04-18 11:52:28 阅读 2110




小升初面试口语自我介绍| 小升初零基础语法资料。

小升初择校英语需到什么程度| 重点中学各区排名。

说说英语写作中的“套话| 怎样有效背诵英文课文。




( )1. a. big b. six c. nice d. miss

( )2. a. work b. wall c. whose d. watch

( )3. a. sorry b. brother c. some d. does

( )4. a. yesterday b. family c. day d. monday

( )5. a. hear b. pear c. ear d. near

( )6. a. map b. stamp c. face d. cat

( )7. a. three b. those c. their d. these

( )8. a. food b. foot c. book d. good

( )9. a. not b. no c. ink d. ant

( )names b. apples c. faces d. balls


(i)1. shoes(单数。

2. bus(复数。

3. don't(完全形式(wan2 quan2 xing2 shi4

4. me(主格。

5. too(同音词。

6. he(物主代词。

7. 努力工作(译成英(yi4 cheng2 ying1)语。

8. let us(缩写形式。

9. short(反义词。

10. over there(汉语意思。


1. 二瓶果汁。

2. 到这来。

3. 在树下。

4. 双胞胎兄弟。

5. how much

6. thanks a lot

7. look after

8. put on

9. 在天空中。

10. 穿红衣服的女孩。


1. can i h**e __a) orange?

2. she __like) to play the flute.

3. he __h**e) got a skipping rope.

4. please give __i) a cup of tea.

5. let's go __shop) with my mother!

6. da ming comes from china,he is __china).

7. how many __hour) are there in a day?

8. lucy __look) like her father.

9. “here you arethank).”

10. she __watch) tv every evening.

四、根据提供的情景,选择准确的句子,将其标号填在题前的括号内。(8分) 秀格(xiu ge)恩瑞***。

a. let's go to the zoo. b. can you spell “window”?

c. good evening, dad. d. good night.

e. this is mr zhang. f. look at the new car.

g. come and sit here. h. it's my f**ourite colour.

( )1. 傍晚见到父亲说。

( )2. 你想说这是我最(ni xiang shuo zhe shi wo zui)喜欢的颜色:__

( )3. 你想叫人拼写窗户这个单词,可以说。

( )4. 你叫汤姆过来坐,可以说:__

( )5. 你想请别人欣赏这辆红色法拉利小轿车,可以说:__

( )6. 想邀请别人一起去动物园,可以说:__

( )7. 睡前对母亲说晚安,应表达为:__

( )8. 你向helen介绍一下张教师,应该说:__


( )1. what's this in english? _a jeep.

a. this is

b. that's

c. it's

d. it is

( )2. where's the bag?

a. it's in the car.

b. they are here.

c. there are.

d. here are.

( )3. what's that man?

a. he's my brother.

b. yes,he is.

c. she's a teacher.

d. he's a teacher.

( )4. it's __my new car.

a. /b. a

c. isd. isn't

( )5. _a cat.

a. this

b. this's

c. this is

d. that

( )6. look __the nice car.

a. tob. and

c. atd. in

( )7. it's nine o'clock. i must __

a. go home

b. go to home

c. to go home

d. go the home

( )8. _you see the blackboard?

a. dob. are

c. isd. can

( )9. please give __a cup of tea.

a. she

b. hec. i

d. him

( )10. it's time __play games.

a. inb. on

c. for

d. to( )11. the man __the photo is my father. 秀格恩瑞***。

a. inb. on the

c. in the

d. under

( )12. _name is mike.

a. ib. my

c. med. mine

( )13. who is the __he is my uncle.

a. boy

b. man

c. woman

d. girl

( )14. _you like this jacket?

a. are

b. doc. can

d. what

( )15. _is my umbrella? it's over there.

a. where

b. what

c. whose

d. how

( )16. what's that __english?

a. for

b. inc. on

d. under

( )17. look! the cat is __

a. walk

b. run

c. ran

d. running

( )18. whose gloves are they? _my __

a. it's,mother's

b. they're,mother's

c. they're,mother

d. it's,mother

( )19. the boys are from tokyo. they are __

a. china

b. english

c. japanese

d. chinese

( )20. there are __on the table. 秀格恩瑞***。

a. two bottles of milk

b. two bottles milk

c. two bottles of milks

d. two bottle of milk

( )21. “can i help you?”“i'd like __bags of rice. ”

a. some

b. ac. little

d. one

( )22. “what would you like?”“i'd like __to eat.”


一 单词与词组。16分 1.照样子改写单词 替换 增加 去掉都可以 并组成词组。9分 1 bagbiga big apple 2 cap 3 set4 now 5 book6 hat 7 same8 shirt 9 nice10 here 2.英汉互译。7分 1 6 502 老师的房间。3 看起来像...


济南小升初英语测试试卷二。一 语音。1 a how b know c snow d window 2 a skirt b girl c tired d bird 3 a knife b skate c bookcase d milk 4 a short b word c work d world 5...


2010年黄冈中学惠州学校小升初英语试题。说明 1.本试题分听力和笔试两部分,满分100分,考试时间60分钟。2.最后将所有答案一律填写在答案卷上,写在其它地方无效。part 1 listening 听力部分 30分 一 你将听到一组字母或数字,一个单词,或者一个词组,或者一个句子,根据你所听到的内...