
发布 2021-04-18 11:49:28 阅读 6416


总分:150 考试时间:120分钟。

第ⅰ卷客观题 (共90分)



听力ⅰ (20分)



)6. a. i want to buy them. b. it’s made of silk. c. perfect!

)7. a. in china. b. cotton. c. thanks.

)8. a. thank you, i’m glad to hear that. b. it’s over there.

c. that’s all right.

)9. a. you know more than me. b. thank you. c. no, thanks.

)10. a. size 38. b. size l. c. size m.


)11. a. friday. b. saturday. c. sunday.

)12. a. he has a cold. b. he has a headache. c. he has a bad toothache.

)13. a. 30. b. 15. c. 5.

) speaking. b. reading. c. ****** a phone call.

)15. a. on the internet. b. in a bookshop. c. in a library.


) boy began to say a word at the age of __

)17.__doctors could help the boy.

) doctor thought the boy was __

ill right

) mother was __when she heard her son speak.

) the passage we know that the boy __

speak like speaking speaking

温馨提示:听力ⅱ (10分) 试题在第ⅱ卷。


. 单项选择 (15分)


) pair of glasses __mine.

a. is b. are c. am

)22. there istree in our school.

a. a 8-metres-tall b. an 8-metre-tall c. a 8 metres tall d. an 8 metre tall

)23. .look, mary __a news***** in the classroom.

a . is reading b . reads c. read d. has read

)24. the weather in guangzhou is hotter than __in guiyang.

a. it b. this c. that d. they

)25. lin tao is __in his class..

a. taller taller c. tallest d. the tallest

)26. is there __in today’s news*****?

a. anything important b. something important

c. important anything d. important something

)27. we were __to hear the __news.

a. excited; excited b. exciting; exciting

c. excited; exciting d. exciting; excited

)28. japan lies __the east of asia and __the east of china.

a. to; in b. in; to c. in; on on

)29. he isn’t __to reach the book on the bookshelf.

a. enough tall b. very tall c. tall very d. tall enough

) was too tired, so he stopped __

a. h**e a rest b. to h**e a rest a rest d. to h**ing a rest

)31. there __a football match this afternoon..

a. is gong to be going to h**e c. are going to be d. are going to h**e

)32. i’ll give you a call as soon as i __to beijing.

a. will get b. get c. h**e got d. are getting

)33. it’s an exciting football match

a. isn’t it b. is it it d. doesn’t it

)34. we are often told __at people in trouble

a. not to smile b. not smile to laugh d. not laugh

)35weather it is! let’s go for a picnic.

bad b. how good c. what bad good

. 完形填空 (10分)


ben woke up on monday morning. he felt 36 . he always felt sick on monday mornings.

he had to go to school for a whole week. it was so difficult for him to go back to school.

he 37 in bed and wondered what excuse he could make this time. he looked at his body, but couldn’t find 38 wrong. a little headache?

no. he had used that excuse many times. then he realized that one of his teeth was loose (松动).

good! he was just going to start groaning (呻吟) when he thought that aunt polly would pull the tooth out. that would hurt!

he looked 39 something else. suddenly he remembered the doctor had said something about a certain problem with toes. he pulled his right foot out and looked at it.

40 of the toes was really hurting, and ben began to groan.

what’s 41 with you?” aunt polly asked. “my toe hurts.

” the old lady fell into a chair, smiling a little. “ben, you frightened me. now shut up at once and get out of 42 .

”ben felt like a thief being caught. “well, it seemed all right. it hurt so much 43 i forgot my tooth.

” tooth, eh? what’s wrong with your tooth?” one of them is loose and it hurts 44 .

”no problem,” answered aunt polly. “i can pull it out.” please, aunt!

don’t pull it out. it has 45 hurting now. please!

” no way! well, you’d better go to school or you’ll h**e your tooth out.”


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