
发布 2021-04-18 11:46:28 阅读 3424


说明:1. 本试题分听力和笔试两部分,满分100分,考试时间60分钟。

2. 最后将所有答案一律填写在答案卷上,写在其它地方无效。

part 1 listening 听力部分 (30分)

一、你将听到一组字母或数字,一个单词,或者一个词组,或者一个句子,根据你所听到的内容, 选择相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在答题卷指定位置,每小题将读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)

1.a. ptd b. dtp c. tpd d. tdp

2. a. nbab b. mdab c. lmab d. mbad

3. a. 2852306 b. 2882306 c. 2850326 d. 2825026

4. a. late b. lake c. lame d. lace

5. a. september b. december c. october6. a. h**e a sore throat

b. h**e a toothache

c. h**e a headache

7. a. mike can’t come to my home today.

b. i can’t play football in the rain.

c. my uncle can’t play games in the day.

8. a. can i speak to your brother, please?

b. can i speak to your mother, please?

c. can i speak to your teacher, please?

9. a. dad is at home.

b. dad isn’t at home.

c. dad, let’s go home.

10. a. mary went fishing last weekend.

b. mary went shopping last weekend.

c. mary went swimming last weekend.


11. a. yes, he is. b. this is my friend. c. hello, friend.

12. a. i went to the park last sunday.

b. i am going to water the flowers.

c. i sweep the floor every day.

13. a. happy birthday. b. it’s in 1996. c. it’s may 23rd.

14. a. what about you?

b. let’s h**e some grapes.

c. no, i don’t. they are sour.

15. a. he is collecting stamps.

b. he usually goes to school on foot.

c. he likes playing the violin.

三、你将听到五组对话,根据对话内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,注意大小写的规范要求,数字可以用阿拉伯数字表示。将单词对应写在答题卷序号16-25后的横线上。每组对话将读两遍。


a. teacher: how many traffic __16___are there in every country?

student: there are always three: red,__17___and green.

b. amy: what is your english teacher like? is she 18 ?

chen: yes, she is. and she’s thin too. but she is very 19 .

c. zip: your birthday is in february. but what’s the 20 ?

miss wu: february 21 .

d. teacher: 22 you clean the blackboard and windows yesterday?

liu yun: no, i didn’t. but i 23 all the desks and chairs.

e. john: the elephant is 24 than the cow.

wu: yes, you’re right. and it’s 25 , too.

part 2 writing 笔试部分 (70分)

一、 选出一个划线部分发音不同于其它单词的选项 (每题1分,共5分)

1. a. sheep b. be c. bread d. seat

2. a. doctor b. door c. hot d. orange

3. a. make b. cake c. play d. sunday

4. a. three b. there c. thank d. fourth

5. a. is b. nice c. books d. yes

二、 选择恰当的答案 (每题1分,共20分)

6. what’s this in english?

a. this is a bag. b. it is bag. c. it’s a bag.

7. who areand __

a. she, him b. her, he c. she and he

8can i get to the great wall?

a. what b. how c. where

9. can you count from zero __ten ?

a. up b. to c. down

10your mother a teacher?

a. are b. does c. is

11. theare behind the cat.

a. mice b. mouses c. mouse

12. the pair of glassesin my handbag.

a. are b. is c. does

13is the price of your dictionary?

a. how much b. what c. how

14. mary and kitty areawake in their bedroom.

a. all b. both c. two

15. let’s draw aface.

a. cat b. cats c. cat’s

16. we go to the toy shop at five __twelve in the afternoon.

a. past b. to c. passed

17you __your homework yesterday evening? yes.

a. did, do b. do, do c. do, did

18. what’s __time, please?

a. it b. the c. this

19read in the sun.

a. please b. do c. don’t

20. i’m in __class one, grade six.

a. a b. the c. 不填。

21. is that __mother? no, she is __mother.

a. my, your b. your, his c. you, your

22. i like apples very muchthey’re sweet.

a. so b. but c. because

23. what do you want to eat

a. some rice b. orange juice c. a book

24. what does it mean?it means you shouldn’t

a. smoking b. smoke c. to smoke

25. whose book is it? it’s not __book. it’s

a. my, her b. mine, hers c. my, hers

三、 答语选择。根据a栏的问题,选择b栏的答语 (每题1分,共10分)


一 单词与词组。16分 1.照样子改写单词 替换 增加 去掉都可以 并组成词组。9分 1 bagbiga big apple 2 cap 3 set4 now 5 book6 hat 7 same8 shirt 9 nice10 here 2.英汉互译。7分 1 6 502 老师的房间。3 看起来像...


济南小升初英语测试试卷二。一 语音。1 a how b know c snow d window 2 a skirt b girl c tired d bird 3 a knife b skate c bookcase d milk 4 a short b word c work d world 5...


兰州市第89中学七年级分班考试英语试卷。满分100分答题时间60分钟 温馨提示 亲爱的同学们,认真 能陪伴着你,成功 也就能陪伴着你,拿起笔来,打起精神,认真读题,努力思考,工工整整地书写,仔仔细细地检查。相信你一定会交一份满意的答卷。积累运用 50分 一 按要求写出相应的单词 10 1.count...