2023年盐城中学小升初 英语试题

发布 2020-02-16 04:11:28 阅读 2593





( )1. the 30th olympic games(奥运会) will be in __next year .

a. london b. new york c. beijing

)2. i’m talking to you, jack. please listen to __carefully.

a. mine b. me c. you

)3. we had a drawing contest for the 90th birthday of the party __july 1st.

a. in b. at c. on

)4. _is the salt museum from the water street?

sorry, you can ask the policeman over there?

a. how for b. how long c. how much

)5. would you like___apple juice __coffee?

a. any; or b. any; and c. some; or

)6. paul and i __tennis yesterday. he did much better than i.

a. are going to play b. played c. are playing

)7. mike is 165cm . gao shan is also 165 cm . so mike is __gao shan.

a. as old as b. as he**y as c. as tall as

)8. he went into his room, _the light and began to work.

a. turned up b. turned on c. turned down

)9. —excuse me , where can i park my car?

drive on, and you will see the sign __on your right.

)10.— you speak good english

a. thank you. b. yes, you’re right. c. don’t say that again


i 从下列每组单词中选择一个与其他三项不同类的一项,将其序号填入题前括号内。

)11. a. november b. september c. december d. halloween

)12. a. bathroom b. building c. bedroom d. classroom

)13. a. circle b. square c. rectangle d. swing

)14. a. quietly b. loudly c. butterfly d. beautifully

)15. a. world b. wash c. want d. write


16.— what’s the wlike in yancheng in summer?

— it’s usually very hot .

17.— excuse me, can you tell me the way to the post office, please ?

— go athis street ,and the turn right at the second crossing.

18.— the brt in our city are much f

— .and the tickets are cheaper. you only need one yuan one time.

19.— who is sthe red song in the next room?

— my cousin, andy. he is good at music.

20.—what do you think of the cake?

— i like it very much. it tvery delicious.


21. a . do you take an umbrella with you?

b. ok. that will be fine.

c. no, but i h**e a raincoat.

22. a. no, i am writing an e-mail to my english friend, tom.

b. sorry, i can’t. i am busy.

c. are you surfing the internet?

d. wang bing, let’s go and h**e a picnic.

23. a. ok, just some apples then.

b. oh, we h**e lots of oranges in the fridge.

c. i’m going shopping, mum. do you need anything?

d. yes, some apples and some oranges.

24. a . i’m going to h**e a party next friday. would you like to join us?

b. where will it be?

c. at 8:30

d. yes, i’d love to . what time will it begin?

e. ok. see you there.

f. it’s going to be in my house.

25. a . i studied for the test(考试)all day.

b. did you h**e a good weekend?

c. well, on saturday, i exercised in the morning. then i went to the library.

d. oh, no! do we h**e a test today? i didn’t study! i just watched tv all weekend!

e. so what did you do on sunday?

f. yes, i did. but i feel a little tired today.

g. really? why?


it was very hot. the sun was shining all day. a crow was very thirsty .

suddenly he saw a jar with a little water . the mouth of the jar was too small and couldn’t get the water. he thought hard and the he had an idea.

he collected stones and dropped them ,one by one, into the jar. the water in the jar rose(升高) and rose. at last ,the crow could drink the water.

)26. the crow was very thirsty and wanted to find something to drink.

)27. there was a jar with much water on the floor.

)28. the crow dropped stones into the jar.

)29. the season was winter in the story.

)30. the title(标题) of the story is “乌鸦反哺” in chinese.

五、下面五幅图是betty 在暑假中某一天的生活情况,请根据**提示,完成短文,每空一词(每小题1分,共5小题,计5分)

hello, i am betty. last saturday, my parents went to 31 their friends, so i was

the only one at home. i got up at 8 o’clock in the morning. at 9:30, i 32 my bike

to a farm in the countryside. in the afternoon, i went to the 33 to see the penguin.

then i went home, i cooked and had supper at 6:00. 34 that , i read my book. i really

had a very 35 time on that day.



2011年小学文化基础知识测试数学试题。考试时间 60分钟满分80分 一 计算 其中估算结果用整数表示,共14分 1 口算。7.25 0.84 1 0.62 5 5 2 估算 4.9 697 48.03 3.98 10.0001 5.997 20.3亿 1.9亿 亿。3 笔算 7.2 46 108 ...


注意事项 1 本次考试时间为150分钟,卷面总分为150分。考试形式为闭卷。2 本试卷中所有试题必须答在答题卡上规定的位置,否则不给分。3 答题前,务必将自己的姓名 准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。一 积累与运用 35分 1 古诗文名句默写。10分 1 忽如一夜春风来岑参 白...


一 选择题 本题共12小题,每小题2分,共24分 每小题给出的四个选项中只有一个选项正确 1 2011年4月,我国成功将第八颗 北斗 导航卫星送入太空,它在与地面通信时利用的是。a 超声波 b 电磁波 c 紫外线 d 可见光。2 如图所示,小华将一只正在发声的音叉触及面颊有震感 这个实验是用来 a ...