
发布 2021-04-17 00:59:28 阅读 2747


1、- are you feeling better today, jack?

a:there must be something wrong.

b:just h**e a good rest.

c:yes, thank you, doctor. but i still don't feel good.

d:don't worry about me.

答案:c解析:“feel better”询问是否感觉良好,作出相应回答“feel good”。

2、- thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.

a:never mind

b:i'm glad you like it.

c:please don't say so.

d:no, it's not so good.

答案:b解析:对于感谢的回答,排除c、d。而英语中,通常是给予对方某些帮助或者对方犯了错后,用“never mind”来回答对方的感谢或歉意。该题不属于这种情况。

3、- would you like something to drink? what about a cup of tea?

a:no, thanks.

b:no, i wouldn't.

c:yes, i want.

d:yes, i like.


4、- what's the problem with your bike?

a:not at all.

b:good, thank you.

c:nothing serious.



5、- good morning, john . how are you doing?

a:i'm pleased.

b:good night.

c:not so bad. and you?

d:how do you do?

答案:c解析:“how are you doing”询问最近过得怎样,作出相应回答。

6、- how do you do?

a:fine, thank you.

b:how do you do?

c:not too bad.

d:very well.

答案:b解析:“how do you do”询问“你好吗”,作出固定回答b。

7、- good-bye for now.

a:the same to you.

b:that's ok.

c:see you.

d:long time no see.


8、- hello, how are you?

a:hello, how are you

b:how do you do?

c:fine, thank you

d:that's ok.

答案:c解析:“how are you”询问“你好吗”,作出相应回答c。

9、- i didn't mean to do that. please forgive me.

a:not too bad

b:that's all right.

c:it's a pleasure

d:thank you.

答案:b解析:“forgive me”向对方请求原谅,作出相应回答b。

10、- thank you for your invitation.

a:it doesn't matter.

b:it's a pleasure.

c:it's a small thing.

d:i'll appreciate it.


11、- what a beautiful dress you h**e on today!

a:it is suitable for me.

b:no, it isn't.

c:you want to h**e one, too?

d:thank you.


12、- i think he is a good lecturer.

a:sorry, it doesn't matter

b:so do i.

c:yes. it's a good idea

d:i don't mind.


13、- what's the matter, dear?

a:i didn't go to school.

b:i h**e a terrible headache.

c:i took the kids shopping today.

d:it is a beautiful dress.


14、- good morning, may i speak to mark, please?

a:who's there?

b:who's speaking?

c:who are you?

d:who wants to speak to mark?

答案:b解析:**语。询问对方是谁“who's(that) speaking”。

15、- let me introduce myself. i'm steward.

a:what a pleasure.

b:pleased to meet you.

c:i don't know.

d:thanks a lot.


16、- let's go to the library this afternoon.

a:yes, that's right.

b:no. i can't.

c:what about you?

d:that's a good idea.


17、- what does tom's wife do for a living?

a:she is a doctor.

b:tom loves his wife.

c:she has a happy life.

d:she lives far from here.

答案:a解析:“for a living”意为“以……为生”,回答表示她是个医生。

18、- how tall is your sister?

a:she is not very well.

b:she is 28 years old.

c:she is very nice.

d:she is as tall as i am.


19、- what do you think of this novel?

a:i've read it.

b:it's well-written.

c:it was written by my uncle.

d:i bought it yesterday.


20、- how much is this necklace?

a:it's very nice.

b:it's a birthday present from my parents.

c:it costs fifty pounds.

d:it's a bargain.


21、- how do i get to the cinema?

a:it's very far.

b:yes, there is a cinema near here.

c:it's well known.

d:go down this street and turn left.



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