
发布 2021-04-16 11:39:28 阅读 6222


图画作文的段首句往往是"如图所示"或"从图画中可以看出"之类,经常采用的一些句型有:as is shown in the picture和as can be seen from thepicture是经常能看到的首句话,但是模板迹象过于明显,所以应该稍加升级,比如添加一些结构和修饰语:it is of considerable interest to see in thebizarre picture that…当然还可以添加一些引出话题的句子:

no one can skipthe issue of… (图画表现出来的。意图)。just as what is illustrated in theabove drawing, …


句子开头不要总是用we / i (比如写结尾时不用we should payattention to而用attention should be paid to. )举个经典结尾的例子:itis, therefore, high time that some applicable approaches wereimplemented by the service industry like that.

by doing so, itscompetitive edge will be sharpened effectively。




the picture shows two people reading the announcement on abillboard, and being shocked at the message. the reason is that thebillboard is advertising a "sale of the dead bodies"。


in the picture, two people are reading the announcement and theyare being shocked at the message of "a sale of dead bodies" on abillboard。


the picture shows two people reading the announcement on abillboard. why are they so shocked? the reason is that the billboard isadvertising a "sale of the dead bodies"。


the picture shows two people reading the announcement on abillboard. as the billboard is advertising a "sale of the dead bodies",they are shocked at the message。


the picture shows two people reading the announcement on abillboard. the billboard is advertising a "sale of the dead bodies" sothat they are shocked at the message。


in the picture, while the two people are reading theannouncement on the billboard about "a sale of the dead bodies",theyare being deeply shocked。


in the picture, reading the message of a ‘sale of the deadbodies" advertised on the billboard, the two people are deeply shocked。


in the picture, the announcement on a billboard advertising a"sale of the dead bodies" shocks the two people reading it。

9.使用there be结构。

in the picture, there is an announcement on a billboardadvertising a "sale of the dead bodies" and shocking the two peoplereading it。


on a billboard is an announcement advertising a "sale of thedead bodies". the two people reading it are being shocked。


in the picture, the announcement on a billboard which advertisesa "sale of the dead bodies" shocks the two people reading it。


in the picture, it is the announcement on a billboardadvertising a "sale of the dead bodies" that shocks the two peoplereading it。


in the picture, were it not for the announcement on thebillboard advertising a "sale of the dead bodies",the two people wouldnot be so shocked。


it is of considerable interest to observe in this bizarrecaricature that a couple of citizens, reading an announcement issued onthe billboard, are taken aback as a result of the astounding messagewhich informs people of a "sale of dead bodies".

句中使用的词组包括:be of considerable interest, a couple of,taken aback, as a result of, inform sb. of长句采用的特殊语法包括:



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