
发布 2021-04-16 10:12:28 阅读 8893

1. 正确使用各种连接词,1). 强调关系。

词汇:indeed, certainly, naturally, obviously, clearly, actually, surely

短语:above all, of course, in fact, as a matter of fact, in particular, that is to say, in this case, anyway, in any case , on no account, first of all, no doubt.


词汇:but, however, yet, unless, instead, unlike, though, still, yet

短语:except for, in contrast, on the other hand,even so. even though, in spite of that.

3): 比较关系:

词汇:like, similarly, yet, unlike, however, although, but, nevertheless, instead, while, still, otherwise, meanwhile.

短语:in the same way, on the contrary, on the other hand, in contrast, in spite of , at the same time, and yet, even so, not only…but

4): 递进关系:

词汇:furthermore, moreover, besides, also, too.

短语:in addition, what’s more, not only…but also


词汇:therefore, consequently, thus, so ,accordingly, since, as ,for, thus.

短语:as a result, because of, for this reason ,due to, owing to, thanks to, on this account, on that account, in this way,6): 时间关系:

词汇:first, second, now, then ,finally, soon, afterward, before, lately, late, meanwhile, next, eventually, presently, recently.

短语:since then, after a while, a moment later, to begin with, at first, at last, in the end, in the first place, soon after.

7): 空间关系。

词汇:above , up, under, before, below, beyond, farther, down, around ,here, over

短语:across from, in the distance, nearby, near to, close to, next to, on the left, on top of, close at hand, in front of, in the center of, in the middle of ,next to, opposite to



短语:for example, for instance, for one thing, to illustrate, as an illustration, that is

作文模式。一, 表述观点的文章(一分为二)(正反两个方面)

模式一。 pr**ite car

1. nowadays more and more people a\a plays an important part in ….like everything else\a has \h**e both f**ourable and unf**orable aspects (both advantages and disadvantages).

generally, the f**ourable aspects (advantages) can be listed as follows.

2. first ,…second,….in addition, (what’s more)……

3. every coin has two sides. the negative aspects are also apparent .

to begin with,….to make matters worse,….worst of all ,…

above analysis \all things considered, we can see that the positive aspects (advantages)outweigh the negative ones (disadvantages) .therefore,….

二, 表述观点的文章(两者选一)。

模式一:which is the better,car or bik?

1.some people hold the opinion that (a) is superior to (b) in many ways. others, however, argue that (b) is much better, personally, i would prefer(a) because i think (a) has more advantage.

2.there are many reasons why i prefer (a) .the main reason is that(赞同a的原因之一) …another reason is that (赞同a 的原因之二)

3.of course, choosing (b) also has advantages to some extent, (列出1至2个b 的优势)

4. but if all these factors are considered, (a) is much better than (b) .from what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ….总结观点)

模式二。1.which would you prefer if you are faced with the choice between (a) and (b) ?before you make the decision, you had better make a close comparison.

2.it is true that (选择a的优势之一 ) it is also true that (选择a的优势之二 ) but (选择a的劣势。

3.though (选择b的劣势 ).选择b的优势之一 ) furthermore, (选择b的优势之二)

4.therefore, if you ….you should choose a, but if you ….you should choose b


1. with the development of science and technology, -plays a important part in our daily life. while it is widely believed that a __i believe b __

2. it is true that a___but the chief faults are __studies show that __on the contrary, the advantages of b___for one thing, b___for another , b also __although b fails to __few things can be compared with b because of __

3. the advantage of b is more than __

三, 我认为。。。my view)

模式一。it is important to learn english

1.people’s views \ideas\opinions on …,vary from person to person. some people think that …is necessary. they hold this opinion because (简述正方理由) .

however, others hold that ….is unnecessary. in their opinion, (简述反方理由 )

2.as to me, i am in f**our of …the following are the reasons of my viewpoint.

3.first,…second…in addition….

4.therefore, (in a word)

模式二。1.a famous saying goes ….it means ….is a proverb which means…..


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