
发布 2021-04-16 00:28:28 阅读 4632





one of the central preoupations of the arts andhumanities is the observation of human beings. painters andsculptors create images of the human form; writers tellstories or pose poems about human experience; musicalartists give melodic contours to the human spirit;historians and philosophers ponder the essential qualitiesof human civilization and nature. and in our own lives, inour own ways, we spend a great deal of our energy andattention on our fellow creatures, being in families andother kinds of relationship, observing people withcuriosity and interest in the course of the day, thinkingabout and forming our own character-deciding what kind ofperson we wish to be-as we grow.

- don knefel










above; before me; here; on the left; across from; below;in the distance; on the right; adjacent to; beyond; nearby;opposite to


first, second, etc. ;soon; eventually; in the meantime;then; thereupon; at the same time; next; thereafter


first, second, etc. ;now; for the first time; but; asa result; furthermore; finally; at last; moreover


another; furthermore; moreover; equally important; too,also; at the same time; besides; then; aordingly


on the contrary; different from/ in contrast; on theother hand; to; despite; in spite of; unlike; nevertheless



中心句:since i began living in an apartment and goingto school, my biggest problem has been the housework.

my food is a bigger problem.

worst problem is doing my laundry.

the apartment is not too bad; although ittakes time away from my studies; at least when i finish theapartment looks nice.

the food is burned, sometimes it is notcooked enough, and sometimes i h**e not measured correctly,so the food tastes terrible.

for my food is more difficult because idon't know the english names of many foods, and often ih**e to spend extra time asking for help.

laundromat is far from my apartment, and i wastemuch valuable time.

h**e never had to cook before, and usually theresults are discouraging.

i am embarrassed as i sit in the laundromatwith all the women, and so i wait until all my clothes aredirty before i do this horrible task.

also h**e trouble with the plicated instructions,so oasionally i end up with pink socks or a shirt that istoo small.

today's remend:


americans are queer people: they can't play. americansrush to work as soon as they grow up.

they want their workas soon as they wake. it is a stimulant-the only one theyare not afraid of. they used to open their offices at teno'clock; then at nine; then at eight; then at seven.

nowthey never shut them. every business in america is turninginto an open-all-day-and-night business. they eat all night,dance all night, build buildings all night, make a noiseall night.

they can't play. they try to, but can't. theyturn football into a fight, baseball into a lawsuit, andyachting into machinery.

they can't play. the littlechildren can't play; they use mechanical toys instead-toycranes, hoisting toy loads, toy machinery spreading a toyindustrial depression of infantile dullness. the grownuppeople can't play; they use a mechanical gymnasium and aclockwork horse.

they can't laugh; they hire a edian andwatch him laugh.

-stephen leacock


1.比较与对照的基本定义。比较 comparison 主要是指出两个或两个以上不同品种的共同点或相似点 similarities 如人物 事物 地点 思想 观点等。对照 contrast 主要是指它们的不同点 difference 在大学英语中,比较和对照法往往同时使用。写作时,首先应考虑要比较和对...

英语写作 好的段落

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