
发布 2021-04-13 01:01:28 阅读 7306


一、词性。1. 名词(noun →n.):

表示人或物的名称,man, teacher, book, music, time等。

另有专有名词如tom, new york, wall street, atm等。

动名词也是名词,由动词+ing构成,表示某种行为,如:swimming, playing basketball, being short等。


i love studying english in my leisure / spare / free time. (主语、宾语)

being short is not a disadvantage. (主语、表语)

the railway bridge is to be reconstructed next month. (定语)

we made him monitor. (宾语补足语)

we chinese people mean what we say. (同位语)

2. 各种代词(pronoun →pron.)

指代人或物,如人称代词he, she, us, them, 指示代词this, that, these, 不定代词some, any, someone, something, all, each,疑问代词what, which等。


what has happened to him? (主语、宾语)

this is my book. yours is over there. (定语、主语)

they each / all got a birthday present. (同位语。 当然,还有主语they也是代词。)

注意:反身代词只能作宾语、表语、同位语,绝对不能做主语! 例如:

he himself is to blame for the mistake. (同位语)

he isn’t himself / doesn’t look / feel / seem himself today. (表语)

he slipped, but didn’t hurt himself. (宾语)

3. 形容词 (adjective →adj./a.)


he is said to be a handsome boy. (定语)

he is tall, handsome, and above all, very intelligent. (表语)

he fell down to the ground, dead. (主语补足语)

4. 副词 (adverbial →adv./ad.)


he plays the piano well / very well. (修饰动词短语plays the piano, very又修饰副词well)

she is very / really / pretty beautiful. (修饰形容词beautiful)

surprisingly, he passed the exam at first attempt. (修饰整个句子)


she was very ill and was rushed to hospital immediately. (形容词,“生病的”,句中作表语)

ill effects / discipline / temper / humor(形容词,“不好的;糟糕的;有害的”,只能作前置定语)

ill-equipped / ill-treat / speak ill of sb (副词,“坏地;糟糕地”,做状语)

a cure for all the nation’s ills (名词,“问题;困难”,作宾语。)

the book is very good and worth reading a second time. (程度副词,“非常地”,做状语。)

he is the very man for the job. (形容词,“恰恰是;正是”等表示强调的意思,只能做前置定语。)

he played the instrument so well that he won first prize. (副词,“好地”)

he’ll get well soon. (形容词,“身体好的;健康的”,只能作表语。)

we used to get our water from a well. (名词,“井;水井;油井;气井)

with tears welling in his eyes, she went away. (动词,“(液体)流出;涌出”)

5. 介词 (preposition →prep.)


i’ll put my name on the back of the envelope. (地点状语)

she didn’t remember the name on the back of the envelope. (后置定语)

he was on holiday at the time. (表语、时间状语)

he left his keys in the dormitory. (宾语补足语)

6. 连词 (conjunction →conj.)


并列连词主要有and, but, or, so, for;从属连词引导从句,按功能分有引导状语从句的because, since, as, although, so that等,引导定语从句的that, which, who, whose, when, where等,还有引导名词性从句的that, who, which, whether, where等。

we are ****** good progress, but we still h**e a long way to go. (引导并列句,表示转折)

before i could think of a reply, she went away. (引导时间状语从句)

since everybody is here, let’s begin. (引导原因状语从句)

who is the man that is sitting at the back? (引导定语从句)

this is the hospital where / in which she was born. (引导定语从句)

that no one remembered her birthday left maria very depressed. (引导名词性从句的主语从句)

i’m delighted that we achieved what we set out to do. (两个从句,分别有由that和what引导,都是名词性从句的宾语从句)

the question is whether we can get in touch with him. (引导名词性从句的表语从句)

7. 动词 (verb →v.)









1. 主语:


i was / they were young and energetic.

who / what makes him so upset?

to learn / learning english is easy.

who will go there / whether or not the meeting will be held is not decided yet.

2. 谓语:


spending money is fun.

he didn’t go with us for lack of money.

i h**e been working for hours and is in need of a rest.

the car must h**e been stolen.

3. 宾语:


i want to go home right now.

i appreciate your help / your helping me.

he didn’t say why / when he was le**ing.

4. 定语:


the small boy (sitting / seated) under the tree is tom.

the boy (who is seated / sitting) under the tree is tom.

5. 补足语:


the news made me happy / on top of the world.

he was elected / made monitor.

he wanted the work to be done by friday.

wherever you go, you see kfc advertised.

he was caught smoking in the workshop and was fired immediately.


英语语法包括三部分 一 词汇。1 动词与介词 副词 的搭配。2 形容词与介词搭配 3 构词法。二 实用语法。1 主谓一致。2 动词的时态与语态。3 虚拟语气。4 状语从句与定语从句。5 名词性从句。6 倒装句。7 强调句。三 句子分析与翻译。编写 斯瓦格。实用语法 一 主谓一致。语法一致原则。1 主...


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