
发布 2021-04-12 05:52:28 阅读 3905


when to say thank you”为题,写一篇短文。

提示:1) when should we say“thank you”

at home?

2) when are we supposed to say“thank you”

at school?




参考词汇:wash, encourage, openwhen to say thank you

it’s polite to say“thank you”

when others help us or say somethingkind to us

满分作文:分析】wheneversomeoneholdsthedooropenforus,weshouldalsosay"thank you".(高分句型一)



be polite and always remember to say "thank you"!(高分句型二)句中使用了祈使句。


解答】it's polite to say "thank you" when others help us or say somethingkind to us.

for example,when mom or dad washes the clothes,cleans theroom or cooks dinner for us,we should say "thank you" to them.

在家里何时说thank you)

at school,when someone lends us a pen or hands ussomething,it's nice to say "thank you".

if a teacher says "well done" toencourage us,we 're supposed to say "thank you".(在学校何时说thankyou)

whenever someone holds the door open for us,we should also say"thank you".(高分句型一)(在社会上何时说thank you)

be polite and always remember to say "thank you"!(高分句型二)(总结)



when to say thank youit’s polite to say“thank you”

when others help us or say somethingkind to us. being polite is a good tradition in our likes aperson who is impolite. it’s important for us to be polite.

we should say“thank you”

to parents when they cook for us. we should say“thankyou”

when they wash clothes for us. we should also be polite at the teachers help us work out questions ,we should say“thank you”

tothem. us, we should say“thank you”. when someone open the doorfor us,we should say“thank you”.

we should say“thank you”

as oftenas everyone is polite to others,the world will be more and morebeautiful.


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