
发布 2021-04-12 05:51:28 阅读 6307

i h**e an inseparable friends, he is xxx.

xxx x years old this year, is xxx x grade students. he is a tall, not fat nor thin, appear very spirit. round head with plank inch, hair pitch-black shine.

also like the apple face inlaid with a pair of intense big eyes, like two black pearls. he is especially love to laugh, laugh to reveal a pair of small dimples on her face. usually like to wear school uniforms, because it is convenient to wear school uniform activity.

xxx is a love to help others, no matter big or small, in the class to find his help for it. remember that math test, the teacher let we all use pen *****. the moment when i open the pen bag, immediately dumbfounded.

oh, my pen is missing. "hitched" my heart once, in a hurry to find, but not see it. was i like a cat on hot bricks - around.

because courage small, so can't and the teacher said, his tears secretly. xxx at this moment, sitting behind me saw i worry of appearance, then quietly asked me: "xxx, what's the matter with you?

" i sobbed, said: "my pen is missing, how to answer?" he said:

"don't be sad, use mine, i h**e two pens." say, from took a look the new pen in the pencil case, g**e it to me. look at the pen, i am excited to tears, quietly say:

"thank you!" he says with a laugh: "you're welcome, who let we are good friends.

"this is my good friend, listen to my introduction, you also willing to become friends with him!












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