
发布 2021-04-11 19:23:28 阅读 3568

七年级上册(unit 1___unit 12)

考点归纳 考点 for doing sth

eg . thanks for h**ing us .

考点 is / are …

eg .here is a letter for you

here are some frowers for you .

考点 /bring

take 带/拿走, 把sb./sth.从说话处带到别处

bring 带来/拿来 ,把sb./sth.从别处带到说话处

eg .the food is bad ,please take it away .

please bring your homework here tomorrow .

考点 用法

1).肯定句: sb/sth +h**e/has/had +…

2).否定句: sb/sth +don’t /doesn’t /didn’t +h**e …

3).疑问句: do/does/did +sb/sth +h**e +…

回答: yes, sb +do /does /did

no, sb +don’t /doesn’t /didn’t

考点 + do sth

考点 的用法

1) like sth

2)like to do sth /like doing sth

3)like sb to do sth


how much +be +sth ? what’s the price of sth?

考点 i help you ? what can i do for you ?

考点 take it = i’ll buy it

考点 作名词, “**,价钱” 以 …**, 用介词 at .

at a low /high price 以低/**…

考点 /too / either

1)also /too 表示 “也” 用于肯定句 ,aslo 用于句中, too 用于句末。

2)either 用于否定句的句末。

考点12.询问sb 的生日是什么时候?

when is one’s birthday ? it’s ….

考点 用法

1)want sth

2)want to do sth = would like to do sth = feel like doing sth

3)want sb to do sth

考点 / or /but 区别

1)and /or 表示 “并列”用法区别

and 表示 “并列”用于肯定句, 否定句或疑问句用or

注:在否定句中并列成分用or 连接,若用and则重复使用前面的否定词。

eg .i don’t like white or black .

i h**e no books and no pens.

2).and /but

and 表 “并列” 而but 表 “转折”

考点 用法

sb +think +主语+谓语

注: 否定前移

考点 的用法

1)play 与乐器连用,乐器前一定加定冠词the

2)play 与球类活动搭配。球类活动前不加冠词

3)play with … 与……玩/玩耍

考点 you +动词原形 ? 回答: yes, i can / no ,i can’t .

考点18.句型: may i know / h**e your name ?

考点19.同义句: what’s your f**orite subject ?=what subject do you like best ?

考点20.同义句: take a bus to … go to …by bus .


1)what do /does sb do ?

2)what’s one’s job ?

3)what + be +sb ?


what +be +one’s +hobby/hobbies ?

考点 的用法

1) help sb with sth

2)help sb do /to do sth

3)help do sth

4) can’t help doing sth

考点 time /when

1) what time 常用来问钟点

2)when 既可以问钟点(这时what time =when ),也可问日期,月份,年份,….ago. (这时what time ≠when )

考点 many/how much 的区别

1)how many +名词的复数+一般疑问句?

2)how much +不可数名词+一般疑问句?

3) how much +be + 名词? 询问**

考点 / hear/hear about 的区别

1)listen to “听……”指努力地听…… 强调 “听”的过程。

2)hear 听到/见 ,强调 “听”的结果

3)hear about /of 听说, 强调间接地听到

考点 /wacth /see/read 的区别

1)look “看” 指看一看,不管结果如何,强调看的动作,后接宾语时常代at

2)watch “看,**” 特别留意……,感兴趣地看运动着的东西。

3)see “看到/见” 强调看的结果,有意或无意地看到, 无进行时。

4)read “看书籍之类”

考点 me /sorry 的区别

1)excuse me 常用来事前请别人帮忙,或会打扰别人的情况。

2)sorry /i’m sorry “对不起,抱歉”,一般用于事后对所犯错误或不能满足对方的要求等表示歉意。

七年级下册(unit 1—unit6)

考点归纳 考点 from = be from

注: where do /does sb come from ? where be sb from ?


what language do /does sb speak ?

sb speak(s) …

考点 = not like = hate

考点4. there be 句型归纳

there be 句型

1). 定义:there be句型表示某处存在某物或某人。

2). 结构:

1) there is +单数可数名词/不可数名词+ 地点状语。

2) there are +复数名词+地点状语。


eg. ①there___be) a bird in the tree.

there___be) a teacher and many students in our classroom.

there___be) two boys and a girl under the tree.

3). there be句型与h**e的区别:

1) there be 句型和h**e都表示“有”的含义。区别如下:there be表示“某处存在某物或某人”;h**e表示“某人拥有某物/某人”,它表示所有、拥有关系。


①he has two sons. 他有两个儿子。

②there are two men in the office. 办公室里有两个男人。

2)当h**e表示“包括”、“存在”的含义时,there be 句型与其可互换。

eg. a week has seven days. =there are seven days in a week. 一个星期有七天。

4)there be 的句型转换

a).否定句 : there be +not +名词+地点

注意:not和no的区别:not是副词,no为形容词,not a/an/any + n. 相当于no+ n.。

there are some pictures on the wall. →there aren't any pictures on the wall. =there are no pictures on the wall.

b)一般疑问句 be +there +名词+地点?


there is some water on mars. →is there any water on mars?

there are some fish in the water. →are there any fish in the water?


there be句型的特殊疑问句形式有以下三种变化:


当主语是人时, "who's+介词短语? 当主语是物时, "what's + 介词短语?


there are many things over there. →what's over there?

there is a little girl in the room.→who is in the room?

对地点状语提问: where is / are+主语?

there is a computer on the desk. →where is the computer?

there are four children on the playground. →where are the four children?


七年级上册 unit 1 unit 12 考点归纳 考点 from be from 注 where do does sb come from where be sb from 考点2.询问说什么语言 what language do does sb speak sb speak s 考点 not l...


七年级上册 unit 1 unit 12 考点归纳 考点1.e from be from 注 where do does sb e from where be sb from 考点2.询问说什么语言 what language do does sb speak sb speak s 考点 not l...


备战中考词汇部分。新目标七年级英语词汇。unit 1 3 1 i 代词同音词2 meet 动词同音词 3 you 代词同音字母4 hello 感叹词同义词 5 hi 感叹词同音词6 his 代词同音词 7 question 名词同义词 8 answer 动词反义词 9 first 形容词 反义词10...