2019新目标英语中考词汇g i

发布 2022-06-10 09:47:28 阅读 6969

vocabulary g-i (page 148-149)

1. spring is coming. the weather is变得) warmer and warmer.

2. ia present从……得到) my parents on my 13th birthday.

3. the students are为……做准备) the coming exam.

4. the new student与……相处融洽) others. he often goes out to play with his classmates.

5. tom, i’d like to取回) my bike.

6. chen hong helped the old woman上车) the bus. and she told the old woman not下车) the bus until it stopped.

7. when will you __到达) home?

8.tom usually起床) at 6:30 in the morning.

9. mrs. smith and her daughter asked mr. smith放弃) smoking.

will开**会) tomorrow.

you __him给予···帮助)?

old man捐赠) 1000 dollars to the charity yesterday.

13. don’t touch it. the玻璃) may hurt you.

can’t see the blackboard clearly. i need一副眼镜).

are三玻璃杯水) on the table.

1. -where is janeshe去) to the supermarket with her sister.

2. i plan to复习) the words i h**e learned in class today.

3. it’s dangerous to穿过) the forest. you need some help.

4. we’ll去购物去钓鱼去远行去划船).

5. the alarm clock响过了).

6.d**id is好) at all his lessons. i’m sure he can do very好) in the exams.

7. who is好) at physics in your class?

8. don’t read in the sun. it isn’t对你的眼睛不好) your eyes.

9. it’s好) to give than to receive.

10. -there are seven鹅) in the river.

11. the**) has done something to protect the environment.

12哪个年级) are they in?

--they are in七年级三班).

13. wait for the traffic lights to turn绿).

she is in绿色) today.

14. i planted a seed some time ago. now it has already长成) a plant.

15. what do you want to be when you长大)?

16. he enjoyed弹吉他) when he was young.

1. you’d better change your饮食习惯).

2. the theatre is far from here. it’s about开车半小时的路程).

3. it took me十个半小时) to go there by train.

4. i h**ethe apple把……分成两半).

5. my f**ourite food is汉堡包).

6. i can write用我的左手).

分发) news*****s in the street yesterday.

8. please上交) your test ***** after you finish it.

9. my bike is broken. could youme a帮我)?

furniture is made手工).

arrived home手拉手).

is clever, but在另一方面), he makes many mistakes.

悬挂) his coat in the closet and walked into the room.

was the last man to被绞死) for murder in this country.

girl went out to闲逛) yesterday afternoon.

4. nobody knew what发生) in a century.

5. do you know what happenedhim?

6. what you said makes me高兴).

7. the little girl is in her new skirt and playing高兴).

8. you’d better not go out. it’s raining大).

9. i can’t finish the辛苦的,艰苦的) work by myself.

10. i can几乎不) hear what you said.

1. he有) an interesting book.

2. i will让别人给我理发) this afternoon.

不得不) finish her homework first yesterday.

头疼) for about a week.

children玩得高兴) in winter holiday.

called他) yesterday afternoon. he told me that他) was doing他) homework. he was at home by他自己).

他) surprise, this book isn’t他). he suddenly remembered that他) left his book at home this morning.

8. doing exercise every day is good for your健康).

you know how to保持健康)?

more exercise you do, the健康) you’ll be.

mountain is nearly 3,000 metres高).


备战中考词汇部分。新目标七年级英语词汇。unit 1 3 1 i 代词同音词2 meet 动词同音词 3 you 代词同音字母4 hello 感叹词同义词 5 hi 感叹词同音词6 his 代词同音词 7 question 名词同义词 8 answer 动词反义词 9 first 形容词 反义词10...

2019新目标英语中考词汇e f练习

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