
发布 2021-04-11 19:24:28 阅读 2865

1. high, low, expensive与cheap


例题:1)--will you buy the red coat?

--no,i won’t. it’s so __that i can’t afford it.

a highb low c expensive d cheap

2)it’s a useful dictionary. but the price isthe little boy can’t afford it.

a highb low c expensive d cheap

2. hard ; hardly


例题:1) he is interested in english. so he studies it hard.

but he doesn’t like japanese, so he hardly studies japanese.

2) it’s raining so___that we can __go out.

a. hard; hard b. hard; hardly c. hardly; hard d .hardly; hardly

3. hard-working, hard work和work hard

辨析诀窍:what hard work it is!he is a hard-working student, he always works hard at it.

3. a number of 与 the number of


a lnumber of 相当于many或some,后跟名词复数作主语,谓语根据名词复数确定;the number of 后跟名词复数作主语,谓语根据the number确定用单数形式。

例题:in our school library there __a number of books on science and in these years the number of them __growing larger and larger.

a. are; is b. is; are c. h**e; are d. has; is

4. .so ..that...enough to...too...to的用法。

辨析诀窍:so ..that...表示“如此。以至于too...to...表示“太。而不能。

…enough to...表示“足够。而达到。


so ..that...后接句子;..

enough to...和。too...


例:(1) the boy is six years old, so he is so old that he can go to school.(同义句)

the boy is six years old, so he is old enough to go to school.

(2)the boy is only one years old,and he is so young that he can’t go to school.(同义句)

the boy is only one years old, and he is too young to go to school.

the boy is only one years old, and he isn’t old enough to go to school.

5. allow/make与h**e的用法。

辨析诀窍:1)allow sb. to do sthbe allowed to do sth.

allow doing sth.(表被动)

例:his parents don’t allow him to practice running on school nights.

he isn’t allowed to practice running on school nights.

people don’t allowed smoking here.

2) make sb. do sth. be made to do sth

let / h**e sb. do sthget sb. to do sth.

例:the boss used to make / h**e / let the workers work for 12 hours a day.

the boss used to get the workers to work for 12 hours a day.

the workers were made to work 12 hours a day by boss.

3) h**e / get sth. done

he has already had / got his hair cut.

h**e sth. to do

would you like to go fishing with me this afternoon?

sorry, we h**e lots of homework to do.

6. 害怕。

辨析诀窍:be afraid to do sth. be afraid of sthbe afraid of doing sth.

be afraid thati’m afraid so/not.

be terrified of sth. be terrified of doing sth.

例题:--are you afraid of dogs?

---yes, i’m __of them.

a surprised b terrified c embarrassed d excited

7. besides, except 与 except for

辨析诀窍:besides 意思是“除…之外,(还包括…),有“假除去”之意;except意思是“除…之外,有“真除去”之意;except for意思是“除…之外,强调除去不同类的。

例:1)besides singing english songs, there are many other fun ways to learn english.

2)--all the workers went home yesterday___mr. white. why?

---because he was on duty.

a. except b. besides c. except for d. beside

3) the composition is well written___a few spelling mistakes.

a. except b. besides c. except for d. beside

8. kind of, a little, a bit, a little bit

辨析诀窍:kind of/a little/a bit/a little bit shy ( kind of/a little/a bit/a little bit + 形容词原级)

a little/a bit of milk (a little / a little bit + 不可数名词)

a few books ( a few + 可数名词复数 )

a kind of food(意思是一种食物)

例:(1)there are many different kinds of food in the restaurant.

2)--do you know that there are many different __animals in the zoo?

---yes, i do. and i also know that some of them are __scaring.

a. kinds of; kind ofb kinds of; kinds of

b. c kind of; kinds of d kind of; kind of

9. used to do sth

辨析诀窍:used to do sth过去常常干… )

be/get used to doing sth习惯于干…)

be used to do sth. be used for doing sth. (被用作干…被动语态)

sb. use sth. to do sth某人用某物干…主动语态)

例:1)i used to sleep late, but now i am used to getting up early.


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