
发布 2021-04-10 22:59:28 阅读 7892

.範圍: 翰林國中英語第一冊unit3~review 2 考試時間: 50分鐘。


第一部分: 聽力測驗 (共20分)



1. (a) for (b) mother (c) to

2. (a) this (b) cookies (c) for

3. (a) is (b) toc) classmates

4. (a) they (b) isc) koalas


5. (a) there are four. (b) yes, there are. (c) they are next to the pencil case.

6. (a) yes, it’s a pen. (b) no, it isn’tc) yes, they are.

7. (a) that’s right. (b) i seec) thank you.

8. (a) it’s over there. (b) yes, it’s in the tree. (c) it’s cute.




12. (a) in the afternoon. (b) at the zooc) at home.

13. (a) yes, there are. (b) no, there aren’t. (c) yes, they are.

14. (a) there is one. (b) there are two. (c) there are five.

第二部分: 綜合測驗 (共80分)

1、 文法選擇 (每題2分,共20分)

15. jack: happy birthday to you. this gift isyou. sam: oh! thank you!

(a) forb) toc) fromd) by

16. tim: let me get the lunch box for you. anne: thank you

(a) too muchb) very wellc) very goodd) very much



17. amyis your dog, lucky? patty: it’s in the dog house.

(a) whereb) howc) whod) how old

18. there isin the living room.

(a) any sofab) a sofac) the sofad) some sofas

19. patty: aren’t the koalas cute? kevin

(a) yes, they are ugly. (b) yes, they’re cute. (c) no, they are cute.

(d) no, they are not ugly.

20. i’m really hungry. let’s getcookies.

(a) anyb) somec) ad) much

21. amy: how many tigersunder the tree? patty: three.

(a) is thereb) are therec) is itd) are they

22. eve: frankyour family? frank: no. they are my classmates.

(a) is itb) is hec) are theyd) are you

23. teacher: look atpictures. they’re so beautiful. jack: yeah. that’s right.

(a) ab) thatc) theyd) these

24. patty: don’tthe door! amy: there’s a hungry bear at the door.

a) openb) bec) closed) near

二、克漏字選擇 (每題2分,共10分)

25. (a) howb) wherec) whatd) which

26. (a) lookb) i seec) oh, yesd) oh, no.

27. (a) it’s in the bedroomb) it’s right.

c) it’s 3 years oldd) it’s a good cat.

28. (a) worryb) standc) waitd) be full

29. (a) eatb) letc) getd) look



三、看圖回答問題 (每題1分,共4分)

30. how many books are there on the table?

(a) three. (b) four. (c) five. (d) six.

31. is there a computer under the table?

(a) yes, there isb) no, there isn’t.

c) yes, it isd) no, they aren’t.

32. what is on the table?

(a) a watchb) a book bag.

c) a balld) a clock.

33. where is the clock?

(a) on the tableb) in the box.

(c) next to the picture. (d) under the books.

四、閱讀測驗 (每題1分,共6分)

34. where is tommy?


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