酒店英语 客房维修

发布 2021-04-10 09:28:28 阅读 5533


evening. did you ring for service?what can i do for you?晚上好。您大**要求服务了吗?我能为您做些什么?

light in the room is too dim. please get me a brighter one.房间的灯太暗了,请给我换一个亮点的。

you mind if i move your things?您介意我挪动一下您的东西吗?

your need ant other things,please let us know.如果您需要其他什么东西,请与我们联系。

me,what can i do for you,打扰了,我能为您做什么?

fell cold ,maybe i got a cold. 我觉得狠冷,也许我感冒了。

is the a blanket,and hot water too. anything else i can do for you?这是给您的毛毯,还有开水,您还需要我为您做点什么?

i help you?客房部,我可以帮您吗?

will send someone to repair it immediately. 我们马上派人来修。

is your room number?请问您的房号?

maintenance,may i come in?客房维修,我可以进来吗?

the trouble with toilet?马桶怎么了?

me see,the toilet is clogged. 让我看看,马桶堵了。

all right now. you may try it.现在好了,您可以试试。

water tap drips all night long. i can hardly sleep.水龙头的水滴了一整夜,我几乎一夜没睡。

will be back soon with a new part.我马上去哪一个零件回来。

you call for service,sir?先生,您叫服务了吗?

very sorry about the noise,sir. we will check into it.对不起先生,噪音吵到您了,我们马上调查是怎么回事。

the matter,sir?怎么了,先生?

wrong with the toilet?卫生间出什么毛病了?

there anything to be repaired?有**需要维修?

is the trouble?anything needs repairing?怎么了,有什么需要维修吗?

will fix for you. 我来修理。

will do it right away.我马上就为您做这事。

will bring it right away.我马上给您拿来。

will take care of it personally. 我会亲自解决这件事的。

will send someone up to repair it. 我们会派人去修。

will bring the replacement immediately. 我们马上给您换一个。

is hard to get a similar one.很难再找到和这一样的了。

am sorry,we can’t fix it today.对不起,我们几天修不了。

you mind changing a room?the toilet is hard to repair today.您换个房间好吗?卫生间今天修不好了。

me call a repairman to do it. 我叫一个修理工来。

toilet is stopped up. 马桶堵住了。

the water pipes are being repaired,cold water is not **ailable from 9am to 4am. 由于水管维修,上午9点至下午4点没有冷水**。

for the inconvenience. we do hope you enjoy your stay here. 给您带来不便,真抱歉,真心希望您住店愉快。

is something wrong with the shower.喷头坏了。

is no water in the water closet,would you please h**e it repaired?马桶没有水,请修理一下好吗?

a moment,please. i will inform the engineering department to send someone to repair it. 请稍等,我马上通知工程部来人修理。

flush isn’t working,i will send someone to fix it.先生,马桶不能冲了,我去找人来修理。

can’t fall asleep because the tap is dripping.水龙头漏水,吵的我无法入睡。

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