
发布 2021-04-05 03:12:28 阅读 2109







. 听力理解 (本大题30分,1—10题每小题1分,11---20题每小题2分)


fruit does rose like best?

2. how does mark usually come to school?

3. what is bill going to do this afternoon?

4. which sign are they talking about?

5. what can they see at ten o’clock?


6. a. hoursc. twice a month.

she is janeb. she is sixteen. c. she is from england.

8. a. it was niceb. yes, it wasc. no, i didn’t.

sure, i willb. i’m finec. it’s warm.

yes, you’re right. b. sorry, i won’t. c. of course.


11.what’s the matter with nick?

a.he has a headache b.he has a toothache c.he has a stomachache.

12.what kind of music does nancy like now?

a.jazzb.pop musicc.rock music.

13.what is helen doing?

a.runningb.playing basketball c.playing ping-pong.

14.where does the conversation probably take place(发生)?

a.in a bankb.in a libraryc.in a clothing shop.

15.what are the two speakers doing?

a.****** a callb.h**ing a speech c.seeing a movie


16.what’s the speaker mainly talking about?

a.outdoor sportsb.indoor activities c.sports camp plans

17.which of the following isn’t talked about in the passage?

a.glovesb.shortsc.sports suits

18.how many pairs of sports shoes does each child need?


19.how long is the lunchtime?

a.one hourb.one and a half hours c.two hours

20.where do they buy snacks?

a.in a sports center b.in a supermarket c.in a shopping center.

. 单项选择 (本大题共15分,每小题1分)


21. there is report in today’s anshun daily. it’s about education in anshun.

a. a; theb. the ,ac. the; the d. a; a

22. -mom, shall we go to the palace museum this weekend?

--sorry , sweetheart. we can go there next saturday, for i h**e a meeting to attend this

weekend. saturday sunday is ok.

a. either; or b. both; and c. neither; nor d. not only; but also

23. -do you h**e enough nurses to take care of the injured?

--no, i think we need nurses.

a. another b. ten others c. more ten d. ten more

24. a man will achieve nothing he works hard.

a. ifb. unlessc. whend. but

25. -i often do a lot of shopping online.

--you are so smart! will you please tell me ?

a. what to do it b. how to do it c. how to use d. how can i use it

26. -what are you looking for, please?

--i’m looking for the pen my mother bought me yesterday.

a. thatb. whoc. whomd. whose

27.--look! the man at the gate be our english teacher,

--no, itbe him. he is now h**ing a meeting in the office .

a. must; can’t b. must; mustn’t c. can’t; can’t d. can; mustn’t

28interesting the film is!

--sure. i h**e seen it three times.

a. whatb. howc. what a d. how an

29. -li ping’s mother __for five years.

really? i didn’t know that.

a. diedb. has been died c. has died d. has been dead

30. -boys and girls. _careful you are, _mistakes you will make.

--thank you, miss wang.

a. the more...the moreb. the fewer...the more

c. the more...the fewerd. the less...the fewer

31. wechat(微信) has made more convenient for us to communicate anytime and



32. -excuse me, michael. do you know___

--i’m not sure. maybe sometime next week.

a. why does sally want to h**e a partyb. where will sally h**e a party

c. who wants to h**e a partyd. when sally will h**e a party

33. -mum,what are you cooking in the kitchen?it __so yummy!

--fried egg,of course.

a.smells b.tastesc.

34. -the teachers in your school are not working hard?

each one works really hard.

a. yes, they are b. no, they aren’t c. yes, they do d. no, they are

35. -please do not smoke here, fine?


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