
发布 2021-04-04 18:27:28 阅读 8774

6 2023年北京市东城区中考英语一模试卷。










5.what does the man want?

a.some flowers. b.some bananas. c.some books.


6.where does the woman want to go?

a.the school. b.the post office.

c.the library.


7.how is the weather?

a.fine. b.hot. c.cold.


8.who is answering the telephone call?

a.bill. b.mike. c.kate.


9.why does the man just ask for a piece of apple pie?

a.he's in a hurry. b.he doesn't eat much.

c.he doesn't h**e enough money.

10.how much will he pay?

a.$4.99. b.$5.99. c.$3.98.


11.what is the woman doing on the 13th?

a.h**ing a meeting. b.seeing her doctor.

c.visiting her friend ruth.

12.when are they going to meet?

a.on the fourteenth. b.on the fifteenth.

c.on the sixteenth.


13.what does the man think of kathy's room?

a.large. b.******. c.pleasant.

14.what does peter want for a drink?

a.apple juice. b.orange juice. c.ice water.

15.where were the photos taken?

a.in the cd shop. b.in china. c.in kathy's room.


16.which is true about robert and betty?

a.they are classmates. b.they work together.

c.they first met.

17.why are they here?

a.to find a teacher. b.to learn art.

c.to find a room.

18.what can you learn about the man from the conversation?

a.he is humorous and popular. b.he is friendly and helpful.

c.he is polite and happy.





19.—what kind ofdo you often play with your friends?

basketball. we often play basketball together.

a.cup b.film c.game d.book

20.—can you lendyour pen? i can't find mine.

sure. here you are.

a.your b.you c.my d.me

21.there iswrong with him. he just needs a good rest.

a.nothing b.something c.everything d.anything

22.the students are h**ing an english lessontheir classroom.

a.in b.on c.for d.of

23.sam got up earlyhe was late for school.

a.and b.but c.or d.so

24.—what'sover there?

it's a machine for cutting grass.

a.it b.its c.this d.that

25.—how many times h**e you been here?

this is myvisit.

a.four b.the four c.fourth d.the fourth

26.marythe piano well. she is often asked to play at the concert.

a.play b.plays c.playing d.played

27.lucyher dog and now she is walking it.

a.will find b.is finding c.has found d.finds

28.it's not necessary toevery new word while reading. you can guess its meaning.

a.look for b.look after c.look at d.look up

29.tina got ill yesterday. she felt a littlethis morning.

a.ill b.worse c.worst d.the worst

30.—look. what a modern hospital!

yes, it is. itin 2007.

a.is built b.was built c.can be built d.will be built

31.i told janeher homework before friday.

a.finish b.finishes c.finishing d.to finish

32.ben was unhappyhe got a c in the math test.

a.because b.before c.if d.when

33.—i need to go to the bank. could you tell me

it's just on the corner.

a.where is it b.where it is c.where it was d.where was it

i am a doctor.

a.how are you b.how do you do c.what do you do d.what do you want



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