专题01高考英语非谓语练习 解析版

发布 2021-03-30 10:38:28 阅读 7772



she ran as fast as she could __to catch the early bus.

a.to hope

b. hope

c. hoping

d. hoped



hoping to catch theearly bus用作伴随状语。句意:她快速的跑,目的是为了赶上早班车。


a. improve

b. to improve

c. improving

d. to improving


devote ..to ..是固定搭配,意为"把。贡献给。二是其中的。


the target of new technologies is to make life easier, _it moredifficult.

a. not make

b. not to make

c. not ******

d. do not make


and或。but,nottomakeitmore difficult是对逗号前的不定式。


onceyourbusinessbecomesinternational,__constantlywillbepart of your life.

a.you fly

b. your flight

c. flight

d. flying



fly。但若选a,you fly是一个主谓结构,与其后的谓语。

will be相冲突。

5such a chance, why don't you h**e a trya. to give

b. h**ing

c. given

d. giving【解析】答案:c解析:given过去分词作状语,表示原因,相当于since you are given。

sat herlittlebrother,whonever had to be told to keep lost

be lost

解析】答案:d,be lost in是固定短语,意为"陷入……之中"。变为分词短语作状语时,仍用过去分词lost。

gamesthatcostthe boyalotoftimethat heought to h**e spent on his h**e played


his son___the old man felt be disappointed


disappoint【解析】答案:bwith复合结构在句中作状语,表示原因,意为"由于儿子很是令人失望。" carry on

b. carrying out

c. carried out

d. to carry out【解析】答案:cthat引导定语从句修饰过去分词短语在定语从句中作宾语补足语。

10. whenshewasaloneathome,maryneededafriendwithwhom___play) with.(填空练习)

解析】答案:to playwithwhomtoplay为“介词+关系代词+不定式”结构在句中作定语,其相当于一个定语从句(with whom she could play)。

to do, to dob. doing, doing

2c. to do, doingd. doing, to do【解析】答案a。

第一空填to do,mean to do sth意为“打算做某事”;第二空填todo,因为and连接两个非谓语动词作主语,前后应保持一致。句意为:打算做某事与实际上去做某事是完全不同的两回事。

it remains __whether the cancer will respond to treatment.【解析】答案b。remain后习惯上接不定式,故可将答案锁定在b和d;又因为whether the cancer will respond to treatment与see之间为被动关系,故用被动式。

注:句首的it为形式主语,真正的主语是其后的whether the cancer will respond to treatment。

a. seenb. to be seenc.

seeingd. to see13. after describing the planned improvements, she went on __howmuch they would to explainb.

explainingc. to be explaining d. h**ing explained【解析】答案a。

go on to do sth与go on doing sth之间有区别:前者表示做完某事后接着或继续做另一事,后者表示继续做同样的事。如:

he went on to show us how to do it.他接着又教我们如何做。motherwent on cooking; i went on with my homework.


14. please remember __the plants while i’m wateringb. tobewatering c.

towaterd. beingwatering【解析】答案。 c。

remember doing sth意为“记得做过某事”,remembertodosth意为“记住要做某事”。如:irememberseeinghersomewhere.

我记得在**见过她。remember to come on time.记住准时来。

15. _out more about university courses, write to this findingb. to findc.

to be finding d. find【解析】答案。 b。

不定式在此表示条件,相当于if you want to find outmore about university courses…。句意为:你若想了解更多的有关大学。


16. after driving all night we got to amy’s placethat she only to discover

b. only discoveringc. only discovered

d. only h**ing discovered【解析】答案。 a。

only doing sth与only to do sth均可表示结果,其区别是:后接现在分词往往表示一种自然的合乎逻辑的结果,而后接不定式往往表示一种出乎意料的或令人失望的结果。又如:

iarrivedatthe shop only to find i’d left all my money at home.


17. _thisreport___getting, done

b. get, donec. to get, to do

d. getting, to do【解析】答案。 a。

第一空填动名词,动名词短语getting this report…在此用作主语;第二空填过去分词,因为this report与动词do之间为被动关系,故do要用过去分词。

18. they must be at home—there’s a light __in the to shineb. to be shiningc.

shiningd. h**ing shined【解析】答案。 c。


19. a few days after the interview, i received a letter __me the offeredb. offeringc.

to be offering d. h**ing offered【解析】答案。 b。

现在分词短语offering me the job在此用作后置定语,a letter offering me the job的意思是“一封给我提供工作的信”。

20. _that he wouldn’t be able to buy food on his journey he took

4large supplies with knowingb. to knowc. to be knowing d.

known【解析】答案。 a。现在分词短语knowing that…在此表示原因,相当于原因状语从句,即as he knew thathe…句意为:



非谓语动词高考考点精讲解析。不定式 目的状语 in order to do sth.常用于句首 句中 so as to do sth.用于句中 you can raise your prices so as to cover us with a certain percentage.你可以提高你们的...


treat v.对待 injured adj.受伤的。invent v发明,创造。local adj地方的 当地的。operate 动手术 操作。business 商业,生意 burn burned burnt v.燃烧。adj简单的。properly adv适当地。manage v 设法做到 管理...


第5章非谓语动词。非谓语动词作状语 一。不定式,分词作状语的基本原则。不定式,分词作状语时,不定式,分词的逻辑主语必须与句子的主语保持一致,即不定式,分词作状语时必须和句子的主语保持一致,即不定式,分词作状语时必须和句子主语含有逻辑上的主动或被动关系,否则一般不能使用不定式,分词作状语。二。不定式作...