2019高考英语词汇 21 练习 含解析

发布 2021-03-30 10:39:28 阅读 7612




1.—i'm afraid i h**e to le**e now, for you see, he is waiting for me.

well, if youat least wait till the he**y rain stops.

答案:must 句意为:——恐怕现在我不得不离开了,因为你知道,他在等我。——好的,如果你非得走,至少要等到大雨停了再走。根据语境可知填must,意为“偏要;非得”。

2. my book,the house of hades, is __h**e taken it?

答案:could 句意为:我那本《决战冥王圣殿》不见了。谁会把它拿走了呢?由句意可知,设空处表示说话者对过去发生事情的一种疑问的推测,故填could。

3.(2015·天津,7改编)i __h**e worried before i came to the new school,for my classmates here are very friendly to me.

答案:needn't needn't h**e done为情态动词中表虚拟的用法,意思为“本不必做某事却做了”。

4.(2015·陕西,21改编)you __feel all the training a waste of time,but i'm a hundred percent sure later you'll be grateful you did it.

答案:may 情态动词may表推测时,意为“或许,可能”。句意:你或许觉得所有的训练都是浪费时间,但是我敢百分百保证,你以后一定会感恩你这么做了。

15.(2015·福建,27改编)—sorry,mum!i failed the job interview again.

oh,it's too made full preparations.

答案:should should h**e done“本应该干某事而事实上没干”。由failed可知“我”没做好充分的准备,因此用should h**e done。

核心单词。adj. 实际的,适用的。

n. 练习。

n.& vt. 赞扬,表扬

adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的。

adj. 精确的;准确的;认真的。

v. 预知;预言,预报。

n. 喜爱;偏爱。

n. 偏见,成见。

n. 准备。

adj. 出现的,出席的。

n. 礼物,赠品。

vt. 提出;提交。

vt. 保护;维持;保持;保存。

n. 压迫,压力,压强。

vi. 假装,装作。

vt. 防止,预防。

vt. 预习;试演;预展

adj. 在先的,在前的,以前的。

n. 自豪,骄傲

adj. 最初的;基本的;首要的。

adj. 原始的,远古的。

n. 原则,原理;准则,规范。

adj. 私人的。

n. 特权,优惠。

n. 程序,手续。

n.& vt. 过程,加工,处理。

vt. 生产;制造。

重点短语。up 坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗、传统等)

keep up (with) 赶上;不落在后面。

keep in touch with 与……保持联系。

keep...out of 不使……入内;不惹事。

keep away from 不(使)接近。

记住……keep one’s word 遵守诺言。

keep silent 保持沉默。

keep/prevent/stop...from doing sth 制止(防止)……做某事。

keep off 使……远离。

to 导致;造成(后果);通向。

lead sb to do sth 使某人做某事。

lead/live a...life 过……的生活。

lead the way 引路;带路

阅读理解】you use her as a shoulder to cry on. she texts you back with casual jokes. but she, xiaoice, is only a virtual chatbot(虚拟聊天机器人).

xiaoice, microsoft’s latest artificial intelligence robot, was briefly released in 2014, and returned to wechat in 2015, where she became a big hit. millions of young chinese now exchange messages with her daily, the new york times reported. on wechat, xiaoice is an official account.

after following it, users can start text-based conversations with xiaoice.

"her incredible learning ability was why people loved to talk with xiaoice," liu jinchang, a researcher at high-tech research and development center under the ministry of science and technology, told china daily. apart from her ability to identify photos and send emojis(表情符号) in conversations, xiaoice gains 45 percent of her knowledge from interacting with users, china daily reported.

chatbot programs first appeared in the mid-1960s in the us. driven by top tech companies, they are becoming smarter and more common. for instance, ibm’s latest artificial intelligence program served as an academic consultant at australia’s deakin university, answering students’ questions about course schedules and financial aid.

apple’s siri and amazon’s alexa h**e been used as voice assistants who can read news, play music and even make jokes for their users.

these programs are expected to move beyond smartphones, into televisions, cars and living rooms, the new york times pointed out. however, it may take decades before scientists develop a "samantha", the advanced chatbot seen in the fiction film her. in the film, samantha has a romantic relationship with her user played by us actor joaquin phoenix.

many viewers were enthusiastic about this fantasy of virtual soul mates.

does the underlined part in paragraph 2 mean?

a. she became a best seller.

b. she became very powerful.

c. she became a money maker.

d. she became very popular.

of the following can xiaoice do?

a. do housework.

b. spread messages.

c. identify various photos.

d. read news to its users.

company’s chatbot program can act as an academic consultant?

a. microsoftb. ibmc. appled. amazon.

can be learned from the last paragraph?

a. chatbots will be applied to cars soon.

b. chatbots mainly run on smartphones now.

c. samantha is played by a us actor in the film.

d. the film her doesn’t interest many audience.


解析】推理判断题。根据she became a big hit. millions of young chinese now exchange messages with her daily可知,她在微信上大受欢迎,很多中国人都喜欢与她聊天,故选d。


词汇 24 复习 1 核心单词2 重点短语3 写作句式4 我读我练 词汇应用 句式仿写 单句单词语法填空 1 didyouenjoytheparty?yes,we treat wellbyourhosts.答案 weretreated 根据上下文,这里谈的是举行过的一次聚会,应该用过去时,并且 我们...


高考英语词汇 agree with,agree to与agree on的用法。表示同意某人或某人的意见 想法 分析 解释等 即持同一观点 idon tagreewithyou.我不同意你的意见。theyagreedwiththisidea.他们同意这个想法。iagreewithwhatyousay....


a1.abandon 抛弃 放弃。abandon oneself to 陷入,沉湎 某种情感 2.ability 能力,本领,才能,才智。反inability to the best of one s ability 尽某人最大的努力。3.able 能够的,有能力的 反unable be able ...