
发布 2020-01-03 00:23:28 阅读 3715

to be supreme

超级词霸 challenge 9 (sorrow---starvation)


1. they learn great __and happiness and finally they learnt wisdom. 他们历经大悲大喜,最终获得智慧。

2. i’m __to say that the negotiations h**e made no progress.很遗憾,谈判没有取得进展。

3. real friendship should be able to stand all __of tests.真正的友谊能经得起各种各样的考验。

4. knowledge is the food of the __知识是精神食粮。

slid into the house trying not to make a他偷偷地溜进房子里,尽量不发出一点儿声音。

sun is the majorof energy for our planet. 太阳是地球获取能量的主要**。

7. she is the sort of woman to __sunshine to people through her smile.她是那种用微笑给别人带来阳光的女人。

liwei is the 438th person to tr**el in杨利伟是太空旅行的第438人。

afraid i h**en’t got anycash. 恐怕我手头上没有闲钱。

the sake of the welfare of our offspring, we should __no effort to protect our mother planet. 为了造福子孙后代, 我们应不遗余力地保护我们的地球母亲。

media __highly of china’s achievements in reform. 世界各国**高度评价中国改革所取得的成就。

need __care so that they can live through winter. 玫瑰花需要特别护理才能过冬。

decided toin economics when in college. 他决定大学期间专攻经济学。

a way of livingto america. 这是美国特有的生活方式。

15is the mirror of action. 语言是行动的镜子。

16. we all need toup to finish in time!我们都得加快速度以争取及时完成任务!

50 pounds a month just on books. 我每月仅买书就要花50英镑左右。

also suggested that the earth was __as it went around the sun.他还提出,地球在围绕太阳运转的同时也在自传。

___of ups and downs, she never takes her fate lying down. 尽管遭遇了坎坷,但她从不甘心接受命运的摆布。

exhibition wasby the society of culture.这个展览会是由文化协会赞助举办的。

an only child, but her parents didn’t reallyher.她是个独生女,不过她的父母没有娇惯她。

him the __is just a means of ****** a living.对他来说,戏剧表演只是谋生的手段。

determined man __a chance of succeeding as long as he sticks to his dreams.乔即聪明又用功,他肯定会通过考试。

___at the painting, wondering where she had seen it. 她凝视着这幅画,想知道自己曾在**见过它。

the advantages isn’t in running fast, but rather in getting an early start. 优势不在于跑得快,而在于起身早。

to be supreme

超级词霸 challenge 9 (sorrow---starvation)


1. they learn great __and happiness and finally they learnt wisdom. 他们历经大悲大喜,最终获得智慧。

2. i’m __to say that the negotiations h**e made no progress.很遗憾,谈判没有取得进展。

3. real friendship should be able to stand all __of tests.真正的友谊能经得起各种各样的考验。

4. knowledge is the food of the __知识是精神食粮。

slid into the house trying not to make a他偷偷地溜进房子里,尽量不发出一点儿声音。

sun is the majorof energy for our planet. 太阳是地球获取能量的主要**。

7. she is the sort of woman to __sunshine to people through her smile.她是那种用微笑给别人带来阳光的女人。

liwei is the 438th person to tr**el in杨利伟是太空旅行的第438人。

afraid i h**en’t got anycash. 恐怕我手头上没有闲钱。

the sake of the welfare of our offspring, we should __no effort to protect our mother planet. 为了造福子孙后代, 我们应不遗余力地保护我们的地球母亲。

media __highly of china’s achievements in reform. 世界各国**高度评价中国改革所取得的成就。

need __care so that they can live through winter. 玫瑰花需要特别护理才能过冬。

decided toin economics when in college. 他决定大学期间专攻经济学。

a way of livingto america. 这是美国特有的生活方式。

15is the mirror of action. 语言是行动的镜子。

16. we all need toup to finish in time!我们都得加快速度以争取及时完成任务!

50 pounds a month just on books. 我每月仅买书就要花50英镑左右。

also suggested that the earth was __as it went around the sun.他还提出,地球在围绕太阳运转的同时也在自传。

___of ups and downs, she never takes her fate lying down. 尽管遭遇了坎坷,但她从不甘心接受命运的摆布。

exhibition wasby the society of culture.这个展览会是由文化协会赞助举办的。

an only child, but her parents didn’t reallyher.她是个独生女,不过她的父母没有娇惯她。

him the __is just a means of ****** a living.对他来说,戏剧表演只是谋生的手段。

determined man __a chance of succeeding as long as he sticks to his dreams.乔即聪明又用功,他肯定会通过考试。

___at the painting, wondering where she had seen it. 她凝视着这幅画,想知道自己曾在**见过它。

the advantages isn’t in running fast, but rather in getting an early start. 优势不在于跑得快,而在于起身早。


高考英语词汇 agree with,agree to与agree on的用法。表示同意某人或某人的意见 想法 分析 解释等 即持同一观点 idon tagreewithyou.我不同意你的意见。theyagreedwiththisidea.他们同意这个想法。iagreewithwhatyousay....


a1.abandon 抛弃 放弃。abandon oneself to 陷入,沉湎 某种情感 2.ability 能力,本领,才能,才智。反inability to the best of one s ability 尽某人最大的努力。3.able 能够的,有能力的 反unable be able ...


新考纲 高考阅读理解必备的英语单词。建立,创立 权威,当局。非正式的,不拘礼节的 放松。环境 随和的。期限 保持。评估适当地。采纳居民。有关的陈述。避难所,遮蔽物 害虫。例外明智的。10infect 感染可接受的。要素成份 感情。脑力地,智力地 运用。必需品 戏剧性的。证据 反映表达。证人 逮捕。精...