容易写错的10种类型的英语句子 五

发布 2021-03-22 14:02:28 阅读 7497



1. 你愿意帮我忙吗?

误:will you give me a f**or?

正:will you do me a f**or?

析:“帮某人一个忙”、“给某人恩惠”应是do sb. a f**or.

2. 在回家的路上,史密斯夫人的钱包被抢了。

误:mrs. smith’s wallet was robbed from her on her way home.

正:mrs. smith’s wallet was stolen from her on her way home.

正:mrs. smith’s wallet was robbed of her on her way home.

析:“抢某人某物”译为steal +某物+from+某人或场所,或rob+人或场所+of +某物。

3. 你认为工程师的演讲怎么样?

误:how do you think of the speech made by the engineer?

正:what do you think of the speech made by the engineer?

析:本句的错误在于有同学对what …think of的结构概念模糊加上母语的干扰而造成的。what在这一结构中作think的宾语。

what do you think of…还可以说how do you like…? how在句子中是疑问副词,作状语。

4. 这个问题很难懂。

误:the question is hard to be understood.

正:the question is hard to understand.


the man is hard to work with.其中,与不定式习惯搭配或根据表达需要的介词不能省略。

5. 她有如此好的一位父亲,以至于我们都很羡慕她。

误:she has a so good father that we all admire her.

正:she has so good a father that we all admire her.

正:she has such a good father that we all admire her.

析:so是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词,常用于so+ adj. /adv.

+ that…句型中,表示“如此…以致于”。在单数可数名词前可用so+ adj.+ a+名词+that…句型,相当于such +a +adj.

+单数名词+ that结构。

6. 他可不是那种先想到自己后想到别人的人。

误:it’s not like him of thinking of himself before thinking of others.

正:it’s not like him to think of himself before thinking of others.

析:表示“某人(恰恰)就是…这个样子”,用it’s (just) like sb. to do sth.说明赞成或不满。若用否定式则表示怀疑。

容易写错的10种类型的英语句子 十

十 逐字翻译型。有的同学在写作时,不考虑任何的语法规则,也不顾及任何语言环境,只是靠汉语的字面意思字字翻译。1.你比较喜欢什么,足球还是篮球?误 do you like better what,basketball or football?正 which do you like better,bas...

容易写错的10种类型的英语句子 六

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容易写错的10种类型的英语句子 七

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