
发布 2021-03-15 05:19:28 阅读 4388






the result of running the red light闯红灯的后果。

in china, when people go across the road, they willnever wait for the red light patiently. in fact, chinesepeople are famous for running the green light, it seems tobe a habit for them, the traffic rule is just the ***** forthem, they never obey it. the result of going against thetraffic rule is serious.


on the one hand, running the red light is not acivilized beh**ior, chinese people will bring the foreignpeople the bad impression. when a foreigner es to china, heis so curious about the way chinese people go across theroad, he waits for the green light, while a lot of chinesepeople ignore the traffic rule and go directly. he feels sohilarious about the situation, it is so uncivilizedbeh**ior.


on the other hand, running the red light results inaident, people will lose their lives. every year, manypeople die of car aident, the main reason is that they donot obey the traffic rule, when they go across the road,the car hits them and the tragedy happens.


running the red light is not right, people will evenpay for their lives, we should obey the traffic rules, be acivilized person.



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