
发布 2021-03-15 05:18:28 阅读 9291




the morning get up early in the morning, trapped died. caocao afterbreakfast, go to school. at school, on the main section and the section, thebrain is a mess.

because near the final exam, so the test also more up, thismorning, take an examination of the language.

week the teacher always like suddenly examination, kill us off students away, i started the topic. this piece of ***** is quite ******,i'll be finished. very not easy to wait until the class is over, i rushed outof the classroom.

the teacher let us several people to change the examination *****, earlyin the afternoon i want to see your score. arrived early. while waiting forothers to, i h**e finished my earlier to change the part of.

suffering for a while, i know i don't even the composition of 94.5, andthis ***** everyone had a bad, i think it is not difficult to!

the second class, the teacher finished his composition to the class, i sawthe essay question, secretly secretly pleased, just can copy wrote acomposition, i can easily finish. for a while, the teacher points, i 91.5,learning committee member ni highest day 90, only two of the class nine ismore, i trust to chance!

today very tired!







this morning, i just one goggle see mom is busy, i curiously ask: "momwhat are you doing?" mother said:

"we want to move." i say: "oh.

"at noon, i asked my grandma, "grandma, we outside the house?" grandma said:"no," move "really means:

" things moved to the second floor to the first floor,you understand?" i say: "understand.

"afternoon, mother, grandmother, aunt, in our home, i also want to help!but, aunt said: "if you're too young to accidentally touch a board, you are abig.

"look, the busy day soon finished!






寒假作文 愉快而有意义的寒假

寒假作文 愉快而。有意义的寒假。放寒假的第二天,我有幸参加第三届中国少年儿童海尔科技奖活动的终审答辩。全国各地共有30名中小学生前来参加此次活动,我既兴奋又紧张,希望通过自己的努力能够取得很好的成绩。晚上,科学颜老师带着我来到了 放寒假的第二天,我有幸参加第三届中国少年儿童海尔科技奖活动的终审答辩。...

各种节日作文教师节作文 充实而有意义的一节课

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第1篇 今天,秋高气爽,我们在老师的组织下去了岭南印象园,参加了一次有意义的社会实践活动。经过近两个小时的车程,我们终于到了岭南印象园。首先映入眼帘的是经典的园林与精美雕刻。园内的房屋大都依水而建,或高或低,或宽或窄。处处树木成林,小溪蜿蜒,水清见底,水中鱼儿翩翩走舞,树上鸟儿歌声不断,到处一片生机...