高三英语写作材料归纳 二

发布 2021-03-02 18:51:28 阅读 5447



一)try to **oid mistakes

a: “缺胳膊少腿”型:

1)( 缺少主语): but was 6 o’clock.(was前加it )

2)( 缺少谓语):however, other students against the idea. (against前加are)

3)( 缺少宾语 ):he seated on the grass.(seated后加 “himself” 或在”seated”前加 “was”) b:

“画蛇添足”型:( pair work )

1) 语意重复:he returned back yesterday.(back)

2) 谓语重复:but there are 60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fee. (去掉there are,或在 are 前加关系代词who;)

3) 多宾语(或宾语不恰当):he dressed his clothes quickly. (去掉his clothes,或把his clothes 改为 himself;)

c. “张冠李戴”型:

1). 误用主语。don’t worry. your body will get well soon. (your body→you )

2). 误用谓语。the time past quicklypast→passed)

3). 误用宾语。 i was so pleased to hear from your letter. (your letter→you; hear from---receive)

4). 误用表语。 the price of my car is very expensive. (expensive→high)

5). 误用定语。 china has a more population than japan. (more→larger )

6). 误用介词。 the thief ran away to the direction of the coast. (to→in)

d. “chinglish.”型。

eg .高考: “high exam”

1).the hope of our parents is very highour parents expect too much of us.)

2).his right eye is blind. (he is blind in the right eye)

e.“瞻前不顾后”型。( individual work )

1).although he was very tired ,but he went on working in the office.(→although, but either one is ok)

2).on one hand ,60% of the students are against the idea,but 40% of the students think it is reasonable.(→but 后加on the other hand 与前面的 on one hand 对应)

f.“生搬硬套” 型。

there used to h**e an old church here.(h**e→ be)

*judge whether the following sentences are right or not.

a. the old lady had three sons, all of them killed in the war.(right,独立主格结构 )

b. although he was very tired ,yet he went on working in the office . right)

although不可与but 连用,但可与yet连用。

二)try to use complex sentences (class work )

1)、use so---that

the little boy knows so many things that he feels surprised .


it is that the little boy knows so many things that surprises him.

3)、attr. clause.

the little boy knows so many things which surprises him.

4)、n---clause. (there are two possible ways .)

① what surprises him is that the girl knows so many things.

→ ②that the girl knows so many things surprise him.

三)try to use different sentence structures or complicated


1).they sang and laughed as they went back home. (use --ing form)

→singing and laughing, they went back home.

2). use pp.)the teacher walked out of the lab and many students followed her.

followed by many students, the teacher walked out of the lab.

the woman doctor came into the ward and two men nurses followed her.

followed by two men nurses, the woman doctor came into the ward.

3). use prep.)i passed the english exam because of your help.

but/without your help, i couldn’t h**e passed the english exam.

4). compound sentence)

if you study harder, you will keep up with your classmates.→ study harder and you will keep up with your classmates.

5)(inversion) a . i could hardly believe it.

hardly could i believe it.

b .the door opened and a woman came in. she was bob’s wife.

the door opened and in came a woman, who was bob’s wife.

c .although she is a girl, she knows a lot about the world.

girl as she is, she knows a lot about the world.

四)try to use transitional words, which can make your composition natural and logical.




1)表示起始above all,first of all,at all,etc。

2)表示时间 since then, at last,;soon after ; before; later ; and then ; next ;finally ; afterwards.

as soon as,the next moment,in the past,now,in the future etc.

3)表示空间 in the center of,in the middle of,at the foot /top(of),on the right/left,on one side of ,on the other side of etc.

4)表示顺序for the first time, first,then ;finally,the former,the latter,etc.

5)表示递进 what’s more, what’s better , besides, even, moreover, furthermore ;in addition ,etc.

6)表示并列或选择and,or,as well,as well as,both---and,either---or,neither---nor,some---others otherwise etc.

7)表示转折 but,however,on the contrary,instead,yet; in spite of ; etc.

8)表示因果 so,therefore,for,as a result,because of,due to,owing to,thanks to etc.

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