
发布 2021-03-01 03:12:28 阅读 6983







)1.a. cleveb .

) 2.a.

) 3.a. enough b.

) 4.a. partyb .placec. piano

) 5.a. still


)1. a. i am doing my homework.

was at home.

)2. had a cough.

b. she has a fever.

)3. a . can.

b. not.

)4 a. it is sunny .

b .it is sunday .

)5 a .it’s on the first of june.

b. it’s on the first of may.



)1. a. afraidb. ridec. tired

)2. a. afterb. neverc. often

)3. a. boxesb. kidc. apples

)4. a. thanb. tallerc. shorter

)5. a. wasb. isc. were


)1. don’t in class!

a. talkb. to talkc. talking

)2. old woman is sitting on a bench.

a. anb. ac. two

)3. exercise is good health.

a. tob. forc. at

)4. my mother will a book for me.

a. going to buy b. buyc. bought

)5. i enjoy at the moon.

a. lookb. looksc. looking

)6. a mouse is than a cat.

a. smallb. bigc. smaller

)7 . is this coat? –it’s 90 yuan.

a. howb. how much c. how many

( )8. my brother to sanya last month.

a. gob. goingc. went

( )are our pens. is is green.

a. your,myb. your,mec. yours,mine

( )10. he two big eyes.

a. isb. h**ec. has


最高级2. swim(现在分词。

序数词4. ss (写出前后两个字母的大小写)


)1.当别人对你说“happy birthday to you.”时,你应该说 。

a. happy birthday to you.

b.ok.c. thank you.

( )2.你建议朋友节约用水,你会说 。

a. we should waste water.

b. we should plant more trees.

c. we shouldn’t waste water.

( )3.你想知道别人的长相,你会问: ?

a. what does she like to do ?

b. what’s she like?

c. what does she look like?

( )4 .你在**里介绍自己,你会说 。

a. i am john.

b. this is john.

c. my name is john.

( )5.你在街上遇见了一位很久没见面的同学,你的问候是 ?

a. who are you?

b. how are you?

c. what’s your name?


1 don’t today i well feel(.)

2 during do what holidays did the you (?

3 dance to lingling wanted(.)

4 are some interesting stories more(.)

5 food should healthy eat we(.)


the park

there is a new park near my house. it’s a fine day today. my family and i are in the park now.

on my left, there is a cafe. on my right, there is a big lake. there are many fiowers and trees near the lake.

there’s a small hill behind the lake. near the lake, there is a sign. it says,“don’t swim in the lake!

”there is a playground in the middle of the park. there are some small shops near the gate. the park is so beautiful.

we like it very much.


( )1. the park near my house is __

a. new and beautiful

b. old and beautiful

c. clean and new

) 2. is there a cafe in the park? _

a. yes, there isn’t.

b. no, there isn’t.

there is.

) 3. peopie can’t __in the lake.

a. swim

b. fish

c. boat

) 4. the shops in the park are not __

a. small

b. big

c. good

) 5. -do we like the park

a. yes, we do.

do. c no,we don’t



听力材料)一. 听录音,选择你所听到的单词。听两遍。

1. cleve 3. email

二. 听录音,选择正确的答语。听两遍。

1. what are you doing?

2. what’s wrong with her?

3. can you teach me?

4. what’s the weather like today?

5. when is the international chlidren’s day?

三. 听录音,给下列**标上序号。听两遍。

1. we should do exercise every day.

2. we went to the great wall last week.

3. planting trees is good for us.


在 后每一个做布娃娃。下午种地 种田地图。四月父亲节三月。建军节二月五月。八月花我 的宾格 秋天飞月。婴儿放风筝早晨。回原处 后面给 为母亲节。开始水果派 水果馅饼妈妈。鸟起床国庆节。吹蜡烛向朋友赠送生日贺卡元旦。盒子去钓鱼十一月。早餐回家十月。棕色 的去旅游常常。再见去春游开 打开。糖果去夏令营 ...


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