
发布 2021-02-24 21:29:28 阅读 7334

(2)which sentence do you think is important and why?

3)what is the main idea of the passage?

the students discuss in groups.)

s1: excuse me, do you know the meaning of this word “key man”?

s2: i think it means “要害先生”。

s1: how do you know that?

s2: from the sentence: they are all key men. they h**e been winners in many contests.

s1: thanks.



t: i think you h**e mastered the reading skills well enough. but who is the real badminton hero?

certain they’re our chinese badminton player. let’s enjoy the last exciting moment in the 2006 thomas cup together.



3. step3 writing practice.

t: they are the heroes of our country,and miss peng has another hero here. who is he?


ss: tracy!

s: miss peng, he’s my f**ourite basketball player in nba.

t: right. a very famous player with many fans.

also i h**e some information about him. you are asked to write a passage to introduce tracy.

full name: tracy lamar mc grady

height: 2.03m

weight: 98kg

position: guard

birthday: may24,1979

college: none

nba team: houston rockets


the passage by the student:

my f**orite basketball player is tracy lamar mc grady. he was born in may24, 1979. he is 2.

03m tall. he plays as a guard in houston rockets. he weighs 98kg.

tracy is very famous for a basketball player, but he has never been to a college. i think it’s a pity. but he is still my f**orite.

t: wonderful job. you are very good writer.

but i’m afraid there’s still some mistakes in it. and do you mind our correcting the mistakes?

s: no, please do.

s1: i think “in” in the sentence “he was born in may24, 1979”should be changed into “on.”

t: wonderful.

s2: i think we should say “tracy is very famous as a basketball player”.

t: quite right. and i believe with our help he can do much better next time.

t: and our news***** also presented us a passage about tracy. let’s read it and enjoy the modern and perfect english.



t: everybody, in this class, we know so much about sports. sports are good for our health and they can make our life more colorful.

meanwhile,we can enjoy some exciting moment. at the end of our class let’s enjoy another exciting moment, but not in the gym but on the stage this time.


参考文档 雾凇初中作文 精选word文档。本文为word格式,后可方便编辑和修改!雾凇初中作文。天才刚蒙蒙亮,太阳才露出半边脸泛淡着橘光。雾还没有散去,我们却已踏上了上学的路途。路上,灰蒙蒙的天没有一只麻雀飞过,各家的公鸡也还未打鸣,街上零零散散的有几个人闲着锻炼,几家商店刚开了门儿,几只狼狗在街上...


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一 教学目标。知识目标 学生正确理解并掌握1.论证法2.推理法3.上下文搜索法答案。4.排除法在完形填空中的运用。能力目标 提高完型填空的正确率 扩充学生的词汇和习语 扩充和巩固学生的语法项目 发展一般性的阅读技能 掌握推导性的阅读技能 掌握批判性的阅读技能 通过各种技能获取有用的信息。二 重 难点...