
发布 2021-02-22 08:28:28 阅读 2950





1)只能跟动名词作宾语的动词suggest(建议),**oid(避免),risk(冒险),stand(忍受),delay(推迟),miss(错过),enjoy(欣赏),appreciate(欣赏,感激),practice(训练),finish(完成),escape(逃跑),resist(抵抗),consider(考虑),keep(保持),mind(介意), imagine(想象),dislike(不喜欢),admit(承认),forgive(宽恕)(2)只能接不定式作宾语的动词。


go on doing(继续干同一件事),go on to do(接着去干另一件事);

regret doing(后悔干了某事),regret to do(=be sorry to do抱歉做某事)forget doing(忘记已做过某事),forget to do(忘记要去干某事)remember doing(记得已做过某事),remember to do(记得要去干某事)mean doing(意味着干某事),mean to do(打算去做)try doing(尝试做try to do(尽力去做)(4)既可接动名词也可接不定式作宾语,意义相同:

need , require , want , deserve+doing/to be done(需要做)be worth doing,be worthy of being done,be worthy to be done(值得做)。例如:

the clock needs/wants repairing(=to be repaired).②the disabled deserve respecting(=to be respected).

the book is worth reading.=the book is worthy of being read.=the

book is worthy to be read.(5)接动名词作宾语,接不定式作宾补。

forbid/advise/allow/permit doing sth;

forbid/advise/allow/permit sb to do sth(禁止、建议,允许某人做某事)(6)动词本身主动形式表达被动含义。

burn(燃烧),close(关),open(开),run(运转),wash(洗),write(写),sell(卖),clean(打扫干净),taste(品尝),cook(烹饪),blame(责怪)等。例如:①my pen writes smoothly.

我的笔好写。②oil burns easily.油易燃。

the book sells well.这本书很畅销。

7)跟宾语从句,宾语从句谓语动词需用虚拟语气的常见动词一坚持(insist),两命令(command, order),三建议(advise, propose , suggest),四要求(ask, demand, request, require)


online games.

特别提醒:insist当“坚持认为”讲,不用虚拟语气greg still insists that he did nothing wrong .(2)she proposed we(should) boycott(抵制) war toys .

3)she demanded that hereturnthe books he borrowed from her .(4)would you prefer that we(should) put offthe meeting till

next week?


her pale face suggested that she was ill.考点提醒:




一些抽象名词:weather,damage,harm,music,courage,experience,fun,advice,progress , information, bread , butter , baggage , clothing , equipment ,furniture,homework,juice,luggage,luck,music,milk,meat,production,permission , practice , rubber , rice , soup , wealth , word (news)等,即使被形容词修饰,也不加不定冠词a/an.二、形容词修饰名词的先后顺序。

通常顺序:限定词(these, those)+数量形容词(three)+描绘性形容词(beautiful)+大小、长短、高低等形体性形容词(large,long,high)+新旧(old)+颜色(red)+国籍(chinese)+材料(wood)+用途(writing)+被修饰名词(desk).记规则,练语感。

如:all these last few days ; another three english books

a light blue silk skirt ; some beautiful little red flowersthe first/last two paragraphs an old brown woolen carpetan expensive purple cotton dress ;

the first beautiful little white chinese wood bridge .三、“in+n.+of”结构,注意在这一结构中名词前面往往不加任何冠词in search of寻找in memory of为了纪念。

in f**our of赞成in honour of为庆祝,为向表敬意in praise of赞扬,歌颂in case of万一;以免,以防万一in fear of担忧;担心in advance of在前面;比进步,吵过in (the)face of面对,在面前in charge of担任,指挥,管理,负责照料in course of在过程中,在时,在进行中in danger of有的危险in defense of保卫,保护,为辩护in front of在前面in need of需要in respect of就而论,在方面in support of维护,支持,支援in the light of按照,考虑到in terms of就而言,谈到in spite of虽然,尽管。


be/get/become used to习惯于be addicted to沉溺于;对上瘾be opposed to反对devote oneself to献身于;专心于be exposed to暴露于;遭受compareto把比作be/become/get accustomed to惯于,有习惯get down to着手做lead to导致object to反对;不喜欢;不赞成look forward to盼望stick to坚持。

pay attention to注意attend to专心;注意;照料。

see to负责;注意contribute to对做贡献;有助于make contributions to对作贡献apply oneself to致力于reply to回答add to增加。

add up to加起来in addition to除之外turn to转向;求助于look up to尊敬admit to承认belong to属于。

take to喜爱;开始respond to回答;对做出回应。

when it comes to谈到时access to进入;取得的方法be senior to年龄长于be equal to和相等。

be subject to服从;隶属;易遭、受、患be familiar to为熟悉be similar to和相似due to由于;归因于thanks to多亏了;由于owing to由于;因缘故。

in/with regard to关于in/with relation to关于;就而论。


1)all students don′t like football.=not all students like football.(2)both seats are not taken.

=not both seats are taken.

3)every child can(4)money isn′t attend college.=not every child attend college.′t everything.


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