
发布 2020-12-29 06:25:28 阅读 6598



成绩。一。 字母、语音及书写。 (共 15 分 )

1. 默写字母从ee到nn的大小写形式( 5 分 )

2. 正确抄写下列句子。(4分)

which season do you like best, sarah?

3. 判断各组单词中划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“t”,反之写“f”。(6分)




nearhairthird (

二。 词汇知识。( 共40 分 )

a. 英汉互译。(20分)


4. 漫画书5.邮局6。read a magazine

7. in grandparents

morning uncle’s birthday

b. 选出下列各组中不同类的单词。(10分)

) 1. a. monday b. friday c. sunday d. april

) 2. a. oneb. firstc. sixd. ten

) 3. a. season b. spring c. summer d. fall

) 4. a. breakfast b. dinner c. lunch d. eat

) 5. a. whob. weekend c. why d. when

c. 按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。( 10 分 )

1. september(缩略形式2. third(基数词。

3. leaf(复数4. she(物主代词。

5. mother(名词所有格6. often (近义词。

7. too(同音词8. short (反义词。

9. second (缩略式10. h**e (第三人称单数。

三。 选择题 (共10 分 )

) i go hiking

a. go…toob. goes…either c. goes…too

) birthday card for our mother.

a. makeb. ******c. makes

)3birthday is in october?

a. whob. whosec. who’s

) you like best?

a. seasonb. seasonsc. a season

) mother is a teacher. she goes to school7:00the morning.

a. at…onb. at…atc. at…in

) birthday is spring.

a. atb. in c. on

)7is the ninth month of a year.

a. septemberb. august c. october

) like winter. i cansnow.

a. play withb. play on c. playing in

) is beautiful, but it’scoldme.

a. to…forb. too…for c. too…to

)10she h**e a computer?

a .is b. do

四。 根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词(15分)



2. 你为什么喜欢夏天?

do you


what you do the


i play footballimountains。

5. 你的生日在三月吗?是的。

your birthday inyes, it .

五。 从右边栏里选出左边栏的答语。( 10分 )

)1. when’s your father’s birthdaya: thank you!

)2.what’s her nameb: because i can plant trees.

)3.why do you like springc: summer.

)4.what’s your f**ourite seasond: amy.

)5. your bag is beautifule: in october.


zoom and zip are good friends. they are planning a trip(旅游). zip is going to sunny australia(澳大利亚)!

it’s so warm there. he can swim all day. he has a new bathing suit(游泳衣) and sunglasses(太阳镜).

but zoom doesn’t like swimming. he likes skating. so he is going to canada, it’s winter there now.

he can skate all day. he has winter coats(冬衣) and some new ice skates(滑冰鞋).

) and zip are going to canada.

)2. zoom likes swimming.

) has a new bathing suit and sunglasses.

) can swim all day in canada.

) warm in australia.


2005学年第二学期年级期中练习 2006.4 基础部分 一 选择正确的读音。粘稠 ni n zhan 稀薄 b o b 凄惨 c n ch n 喷香 p n p n 惩办 ch ng ch ng 省悟 x ng sh ng 模样 m m 附和 h h 二 多音字组词。z ig ngch n 载更称...


2012 2013学年度第二学期期中教学质量检测。五年级语文试卷。亲爱的同学,如果把这份试卷比作一份湛蓝的海,那么,我们现在启航,展开你自信和智慧的双翼,乘风踏浪,你定能收获无限风光!注意卷面占3分 一 请认真听老师读下面的文章,然后回答问题。5分 1 填空。大学实习时,我 给学生出了一道题,这些不...


淮安市季桥镇中心小学五语 下 期中教与学情况调查。时间 90分钟总分 120分卷面整洁2分 得分。一 用 选出下列带点字的正确读音。3分 记载 z i z i 模拟 m m 惟妙惟肖 xi o xi o 装饰 s sh 河畔 p n b n 飞来横祸 h ng h ng 二 看拼音 写词语。8分 l...