
发布 2020-12-29 06:21:28 阅读 9295




)1、bec__se a、 or b、 au c、 al

)2、b___thday a、 ir b、 re c、or

)3、un___e a、 on b、 vn c、cl

)4、p__no a、 io b、 ia c、oi

)5、m__ntain a、 ou b、 uo c、au

)6、s__son a、 ee b、 ea c、 ae

)7、au__st a、 ug b、 su c、gu

)8、sp __ng a、 ri b、 ii c、co

)9、fif___a、 rd b、 th c、ve

)10、d___ner a、 in b、 no c、au


)1、i often __my homework __7:00 in the moring .

a、do, in b、does , at c、do , at

( )birthday card for our mother.

a. makeb. ******c. makes

)3birthday is in october?

a. whob. whosec. who’s

) you like best?

a. seasonb. seasonsc. a season

) mother goes to school __7:00 __the morning.

a. at…onb. at…atc. at…in

)6is the ninth month of a year.

a. septemberb. august c. october

) like winter. i cansnow.

a. play withb. play on c. playing in

)8、we h**e two chinese classes __monday.

a、in b、 on c、at

)9、__do you get up in the morning ?

a、what b、 when c 、which

)10、what's the date today? it's november __

a、21th b、21st cnd

三、 选择不同类的单词或词组。(10)分。

) 1. a. november b. january c. july d. fall

) 2. a. second b. eighth c. ten d. third

) 3. a. skate b. h**e dinner

c. skid. fly kites

) 4. a. spring b. summer c. music d. winter

) 5. a. christmas day b. teachers’ day

c. birthdayd. new year’s day






at noonon the weekend __

new year’s dayh**e music class __

my f**ourite foodplay football


a、 what b、which c、when d、 why e、who

)1、__do you get up ?

)2、__do you do on the weekend ?

)3、__season do you like ?

)4、__do you like summer?

)5、__is your art teacher?



my name is hill. amy and i are good friends.

my f**ourite day is tuesday, because i h**e computer, math

chinese, and music. i like music. we h**e green beans, carrots,cabbage for dinner.

green beans is my f**ourite food, but

amy doesn’t like it. after school, i can play computer

games and watch tv.

)1. hill and amy are friends.

)2. hill likes tuesdays.

)3. amy likes green beans.

)4. hill has on tuesdays.


1.我最喜欢春季。 i like

2.你在周末通常做些什么?what __you usually do on the

3.明天让我们一起去晨练。 let’s dotomorrow.

4.五月是一年的第五个月is themonth of a year.

5.你为什么喜欢冬天do youwinter?


national daymarch eighth

new year’sday september tenth

women’sday october first

children’s day january first

teacher’s day june first


2010 2011学年度第二学期五年级语文期中试卷。卷首语 转眼间,半个学期过去了,你一定收获了许多的语文知识吧。那就请你赶快来露一手。记住 要仔细认真哦!一 基础知识。40分 1 看拼音,写词语。10分 r u m i w r xi n t n s hu n ti n f hu hu n mi n...


a负荆请罪 b背水一战 c 卧薪尝胆 d火眼金睛。下列说法错误的一项是。a 郑和曾七下西洋,历经28年,先后到达30多个国家。b 2003年10月15日 神舟 号飞船在酒泉卫星发射场成功 共飞行21个小时23分钟。c 史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚 是鲁迅先生对 史记 的赞誉。d 二泉映月 是盲人阿炳所整理...


五年级第二学期语文期中练习 卷面书写5分 一 基础练习 15分 1 下面句子中的带点词是什么意思,请选择正确的解释。3分 a 单子 b 单独c 只 光 d 薄弱 e 只有一层的 1 气温突然下降,妹妹只穿了一件单衣服。2 单看这数不清的条石,一块有两三千斤重。3 他已经能够离开师傅,单个能操作了。2...