
发布 2020-12-23 20:37:28 阅读 5378


## ##一。 听力部分(40%)

1. listen and tick(听录音,勾出听到的单词)10%

1) bowl ( boat2) summer ( supper (

3) soup ( soap4) wind ( window( )

5) moon ( room ( 6) dirty ( bird (

7) eat ( egg8) on ( under (

9) cook ( clock ( 10) eight ( light (

2. listen and finish (听录音,完成下列单词)10%

1)b___sh 2)th___sty 3)bi___cle 4)t___el 5)wi___

6)g___e 7)chris___as 8)li___t 9)t___i 10)p___cil

3. listen and number (听录音,按顺序给下列图编号)10%

and tick (听录音,勾出听到的句子)5%

1) (give me that hat.

( )give that cat to me.

2) (he‘s an old postman.

( )he’s a fat policeman.

3) (there is a bin for you.

( )there is a bag for you.

4) (close your books.

( )clean your box.

5) (i like summer. i can see flowers in summer.

( )i like winter. i can see snow in winter.

5. listen and fill (听录音,选择并填入听到的词)5%

1) do you wantsomesoup) cakes?

2) don‘tcleanclimb) the tree.

3) there is some soup in thebowlglass).

4) spotty isonunder) the sofa.

5) at night, i brush myface eeth).

二。 阅读部分:60%

1. think and write(想一想,写出下列小写字母的邻居)10%

1) _c 2) _f __3) p __

4) _s___5) _z

2. finish the words (完成下列单词) 15%

l___nch bre___kf___t t___me wa___c __d___nne___

sch___o___nigh___d___y clo___k fi___e

3. read and circle (读单词,圈出不同类的词) 5%

1) three tree four five

2) shirt socks snow tie

3) tree under in on

4) spoon meat soup fish

5) panda hot dog horse dog

4. read and circle(根据**圈出正确的句子)5%

a. the policeman is fat. a. spotty can jump.

b. he is a postmanb. the cat can climb the tree.

a. the wind is blowing. a. i see a lamp on the table.

b. it’s summerb. the book is under the desk.

a. in my room, there‘s a bed.

a big sofa.

5. look and choose(看图,选择填空)8%

1) (there is a bed in __room.

b. my c. may

2) (there __three books in it.

a. are b. h**e c. is

3) (the cat is __a book.

a. writing b. reading c. drawing

4) (there is a bag __the table.

a. on b. in c. under

5) (there are some __on the table.

a. presents b. juice c. pens

6) (i see __

a. a doll b. three kites c. two tables

7) (my friend and i are __

a. eating b. reading c. singing

8) (there __a ball on the bed.

a. is b. are c. is not

6. read andchoose(选出正确的答句)5%

1)( what can you hear?

a. i can see a horse.

b. i can hear a horse.

2)( may i h**e a cake?

here you are.

3)( what do you like to eat?

like to play on the grass.

b. i like to eat mooncakes.

4)( the dog is my friend.

has two red eyes and two long ears.

b. he has two black eyes and two big ears.

5)( it‘s cold today.

on your coat.

off your coat.

7. look and circle(看一看,圈出与单词或词组相应的图)7%


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