
发布 2020-12-06 02:53:28 阅读 2466


together tail very much chicken and carrots

do you like swimming? no, i don’t.


大象 __l__phant猴子 m__n__ey

鸡肉 ch_i_ c__ k_en色拉 sa__

长颈鹿 _g_ _i_ _r_a _f_ f__e玩滑板 s__ te

单腿跳 hop蛇 __nake

青蛙 f_r_ _o_g狼 w_o_l_f_


1. hair hand head hard

2. ride fly van skate

3. train eight ship bus

4. yellow chicken salad meat

5. bear hippo zoo giraffe

6. who like what how


1. they like eating carrots.

they arelions rabbits )

2. they are brown. they h**e long tails.

they aremonkeys bears )

you like singing? yes, i like __sing singing )

4. what do you like doing?

2、你知道日食的形成过程吗? i likea kite. (fly flying )

1、说说你身边物质变化的例子。5. what are they? they arecakes meat )


alice and i like eatingpears cola )

8. what can you do? iskate. (can do )

at the hippos.

8、对生活垃圾进行分类和分装,这是我们每个公民应尽的义务。 they h**emouthssmall big )


10. do you like tigers? no, ido don’t )

11. elephants likewater. (drinking eating)

4、“我迈出了一小步,但人类迈出了一大步。”这句话是阿姆斯特朗说的。 五情景判断,判断下列句子是否正确,用“√,表示。

1. eddie告诉你,他喜欢狗,他说:i don’t like dogs. (

2. 你看见了一些动物,你想知道它们是什么,你问:

第四单元环境和我们what are they

4. 14、在太阳周围的八颗大行星,它们是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星。mary问你喜欢吃什么,你回答:

what do you like eating

6. 答:最有效的方法就是集焚烧、堆肥、热解、制砖、发电等一体的统合系统,但是焚烧垃圾对空气有污染。告诉奶奶你喜欢放风筝,你说:

5、减少垃圾的数量是从源头上解决问题的办法,我们每个人都可以想出许多减少垃圾数量的方法i like riding a bicycle

7. 不知道peter喜不喜欢吃鱼,你可以问他:

do you like eating fish


i’m norman. i’m a boy. i’m nine.

i like running and skating. i like playing football. i like eating fish and meat.

this is helen. she is my sister. she’s seven.

she likes running too. but she can’t skate. she likes eating bananas.

my sister and i go to the zoo. we can see tigers in the zoo. they are big and strong.

they like eating meat. there are some monkeys, too. they are small and brown.

they like swinging. they like eating bananas and peaches. we like the animals.


二年级英语重点单词总结。动词 划线单词要会写 run,skate,hop,skip,ride a bicycle,swim,跑滑冰单腿跳跳绳骑自行车游泳。fly write read sing dance draw 飞写读书唱歌跳舞画画。食物 salad carrot fish chicken ba...


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