
发布 2020-12-01 14:32:28 阅读 2313


考试时间:60分钟) 成绩

一、 听音选词。请把听到的单词用圆圈圈出来。每小题读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

如:bike like

1. fat cat 2. ear eye 3. four five

4. giraffe kangaroo 5. neck leg

二、 看图听句子。判断**是否与所听到的内容一致;一致的在括号中用“√”表示,不一致的用“×”表示。每句读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)




第二部分语言知识 (60分)



)6. let’s go and see

a. the pandas b. the monkeys

)7. look at the __baby cats.

a. three b. four

)8. there are so manyhere

a. ducks b. roosters

)9. what color is your

a. coat b. hair

) h**e small___

a. hands b. feet


) giraffe is very tall.

ab ) 12. i like horses.

ab. ) 13. there are so many turkeys here.

ab. ) 14. i h**e two big ears and a long nose.

ab. ) 15. what color is the flag?


)16. 当你看到一只猴子又瘦又小,你可以说:

a. this monkey is old and fat.

b. this monkey is young and thin.

)17. 当你想夸奖动物园里的动物可爱时,你可以说:

a. they are so big.

b. they are so cute.

)18. 你可以怎样描述这幅图?

a. a fat cat is sitting on the bed.

b. a thin cat is sitting in the yard.

)19. 当你想知道同学的铅笔是什么颜色,可以怎样说?

a. what color is your pencil?

b. do you like your pencil?

)20. 假如你是一只长颈鹿,你可以说:

a. i h**e a long neck.

b. i h**e a long nose.


)21. i h**e two red eyes and two long ears. who am i?

ab. )22. you can see elephants, kangaroos, monkeys, bears and tigers in the __

a. b. )23. the dog chased the cat.

ab. )24. i h**e short arms and small hands.

a. b. )25. i h**e six legs but no arms.



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