
发布 2020-11-25 06:48:28 阅读 7564

unit 1 hello!

part a教案。

教学目标:1、能听懂会说hello! hi! goodbye! bye! i’m…并能在实际情境中运用。

2、能够学唱歌曲abc song.



能听懂会说hello! hi! goodbye! bye! i’m…并能在实际情境中运用。教学难点:



八个课文人物的头饰,cd-rom教学过程:step 1 warm-up1. greetings:

t: hello! i’mmiss wang (慢慢地重复说两次,并指着老师自己。

)i’myour new english teacher.大家好,我是___老师,大家可以叫我misswang.我是大家的新英语老师。


i’m miss miss wang.

2. free talk and clap game:

t:大家以前听过哪些英语呢?who can tell me? put up your hands,please!(做举手的样子)

ss: ok! yes. no, bye. cd. ktv, ***, abc…

t: wow! good!大家已经学了这么多啦!老师得好好表扬你们。good!good! very good!

t: can you? (手势邀请学生一起说,一起做动作) group1. good, good,very good.

group 1: good, good, very 2: …

t: very good.课堂上谁的表现好了,我们就把good.送给他。step 2 presentation

t: today we are going to learn unit 1 hello!t:

hello! boys and girls!ss:

hello! miss wang

t: good! clap for yourselves, please. good, good, very good.

t: look here is a people. he meets his friend.

he says “hello!” his friendsays “hello”, too.

t: listen! does he say hello?t:装男生hello!装女生hi!ss:不一样。

t: where?耸耸肩膀,装作疑惑的样子,让学生指出来。

t: good. she says “hi!

’ hello is the same as hi. you can say hi if you aregood friends.如果是很熟悉的朋友就可以说hi来回应,如果是第一次见面或者是对长辈比较正式要用hello(渗透文化差异,了解语言的运用场合不同要用不同的词汇。

)t: i’m miss wang. you are…?

s1: …

t: you can say” i’m…” read after me i’m …step 3 practice

认识课本的几个人物:mike, sarah, chenjie, bailing, wu yifan, john,miss white, mr. black.

t: look! who are they?

listen!把头饰放在教师的头上,指着自己说i’m miss white. i’m miss white.

把头饰拿开。let’s say hello tomiss white. hello!

ss: hello, miss white!

**车操练,one by one, then two by two.同理教授mike, sarah, john, miss white, mr black.③巩固,拿出头饰放在头上变换,与学生对话。

t: hello, i’m…ss: hello,…

t: look! who are they? can you read their names?引导学生注意观察名字,用拼音拼出名字。


展示,请学生上台表演,表扬good! very good.等。step 4 text

t: some of them are coming! who are they?

listen! be quiet! readyour book!

仔细听听,你听到谁啦?动作引导学生看课本,要求学生安静地认真听,然后放录音。②check the names.

t: who are they? who can tell me? hands up, please!做举手的动作。ss: …

listen and imitate.

t: listen again and repeat.看谁模仿得最像。④role play.分组读对话。

t: boys are mike and wu yifan. girls are chenjie and sarah.

i am misswhite. let’s read the text together.

role play in your 5 let’s sing abc song

t: let’s h**e arest. listen to a nice song. listen carefully for the firsttime.

listen and sing sentence by sentence.③sing the song 6 homework

1. listen and repeat the text five times.2. sing the new song for your mom and dad.


人教版三年级上册英语unit1 hello 教案。hello 教案 一 教学目标。1能够圈出相同的字母,熟练认读26个英文字母。2数出文具单词的数量,听说认读ab部分let slearn的8个文具的单词 crayon,pencil,pen,eraser,ruler,bag,book,pencil b...


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课题unit1hello 第一课时。课型。备课时间。new主备人魏增巧。上课时间。知识与能力目标 1 能听懂会说hello.hi i m 并能够在实际情境中运用。2 能会用i m 作自我介绍。教学目标。过程与方法目标 通过创设见面打招呼 自我介绍以及道别等情景,让学生学会见面打招呼 自我介绍及道别的...