
发布 2020-11-15 06:03:28 阅读 2153

section a page 33

1. news 表“新闻”,是不可数名词,形复实单。a piece of news 一则消息。

there __some good news in today’s news*****.

2. soap opera肥皂剧;talk show脱口秀节目;game show 游戏节目; sports show 体育节目; talent show 才艺节目。



① a book store --two __stores;

a man teacher---two __teachers;

ashirt --twoshirts (运动衫)

4. mind doing sth. 介意做某事

拓展】(1) would you mind my/ me doing sth. ?你介意我做某事吗?(表请求)

(2) would you mind (not) doing sth. ?请(不)做某事,好吗?(表请求)

① would you mind myclose ) the door?请你把门关上,好吗?

② i don’t mindlive) in the countryside.

③ 请不要在这儿抽烟,好吗。

5. stand ( stood )除了表“站立, ”还有“忍受”的意思。常考短语有:

can’t stand doing sth.无法忍受做某事(常指痛苦的事),类似短语还有:can’t help doing sth.

禁不住做某事(控制不住自己);can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待地去做某事(做某事不能等)

① i can’t standwait) for you on the street.

② the movie was so funny that i couldn’t helplaugh).

③ i can’t waitgo ) camping by the lake.

6. 问对方对某事的看法,常用:what do you think of ….how do you like….?回答常用:

i don’t mind them.我不介意它们;i can’t stand them.我无法忍受它们;i love them

题:what do you think of sitcomsi never watch them.

a. they are great. b.

i can’t stand them c. i don’t mind them d. i like watching them.

7. plan to do sth. 计划去做某事 i planwatch ) tv tonight.

【拓展】plan 还可以作名词,短语有:make a plan 制定计划。

题:the picnic is only in three days. h**e you made anynot yet.

a. wishes b. plans c. mistakes d. friends

section a page 34

1. educational形容词,有教育意义的;education名词,教育。

i want to get a goodthe movie is

2. plan(计划)、expect(期待)、hope(希望)、want(想)后都可以直接接动词不定式作宾语,即:

①she planswatch) the movie.

②you can expectlearn ) a lot from them.

③i hopevisit ) beijing some day.

【注意】expect, want 后还可以接双宾语,即:expect / want sb to do sth. 但hope 后不能接双宾语。

题:① heme to study hard.

a. hopes b. makes c. expects d. plans

② has jane done the washing yet ? you cannother to do such a thing.

a. want b. hope c. expect d. wish

3. learn表“学习”,用法有:

1) learn sth. from sb. 向某人学习某事物 we learn english __our teacher

2) learn to do sth. 学着去做某事 many old people are learninguse) weixun

3) learn about 学习、了解 we can learn a lot about farming.

4) learn sth. by oneself = teach oneself sth. 自学某事物

who taught you english ? nobody, i learned english

4. find 表“找到,发现”,find out 表“找出,查明”。

① i looked for everywhere, but i couldn’tanything.

② i hope towhat’s going on around the world.

5. go on ①发生,进行(=happen)what’s going on around the world.?

表“继续”, go on doing sth. 继续做同件事;go on to do sth. 继续做另件事 (用法同stop)

6. around the world = all over the world 全世界。

7. in class 在课堂上;after class 课后。

8. h**e a discussion about sth. 就某事物进行一场讨论。

we had adiscuss) about tv shows.

9. follow 有以下3种意思要注意:

① 跟随 don’t follow me, please. (请不要跟着我)

② 理解 what did you say ? i can’t follow you. (你说什么?我听不懂。)

③ 遵守 we should follow the rules. (我们要遵守规则。)


(1) sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上 something bad happened __him.

(2) sb. happen to do sth. 某人碰巧去做某事 i happenedmeet) him yesterday.


11. be 成为;one day 某天。

i want to be a tv reporter one day. 某天我想成为一名电台记者。

section b page 36

1. 加ed的词常用来修饰人;加ing常用来修饰事物。如:

relaxed 感到放松的,relaxing 令人放松的;excited感到激动的,exciting令人激动的;bored感到乏味的,boring令人乏味的;interested感到有趣的;interesting有趣的。

the game isi feelabout it. (excite)

i’min the book. it is sointerest)

2. 构词法:以less结尾的词,常表“无…的”;以ful结尾的词,常表“(有)…的”


hopeless绝望的,hopeful 有希望的。

题:i don’t like soap operas, because i think they are

a. meaningless b. interesting c. educational d. famous

section b page 37

1. think of 想起 ;考虑,认为 > think about 考虑,认为

(1) i just can’t think of his name. 我只是想不起他的名字。

(2) what do you think of this book ? 你认为这本书怎样?

2. be famous / known for 因… 而闻名 china is famous for the great wall.

新人教版英语 八年级上册 第五单元练习题名师

八年级上册 unit 5 do you want to watch a game show 一 词的转换。新的 n.news 新闻 2.lose lost vt.丢失。adj.教育的,有教育意义的 vt.八年级上册 八年级上册 unit 5 do you want to watch a game s...

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