
发布 2020-11-13 02:52:28 阅读 6708




part one: listening (40分)(每小题念3遍)

. listen and choose. 听音,将听到单词的序号填在()中。(5分)

)1. a. playerb. planec. place

)2. a. interesting b. exciting c. expensive

)3. a. milkb. madec. make

)4. a. wonderful b.

)5. a. breakb. tripc. read

. listen and number. 听音,用“1,2,3,4,5”给**标序号。(5分)

. listen and check. 听音,判断听到的内容是否与**相符,相符打“√”不相符打“ⅹ”6分)

. listen and choose. 听音,把所听到**的字母编号涂黑。(5分)例:

. listen and match. 听音,连线。(5分)

. listen and check. 听音,判断,打“√”4分)

)1. mike went to the park with his family yesterday.

)2. he went to chongqing by train.

)3. he didn’t take photos.

)4. mike had a happy weekend.

. listen and choose. 听音,选择恰当的答案,在中打“√”5分)

1. where: shanghaihainan

2. when: january 28thfebruary 14th

4. with friendswith family

. listen and choose. 听音,选词填空,将序号填在___上。(5分)

let’s make a vegetable salad. wesome cucumbers, peppers and a me wash themthen___them with a them into a bigsome salt and mix them together.

part two: reading and writing (40分)

. read and circle the different word. 圈出不同类的一个单词。(4分)

1. concert flute piano guitar

2. ping-pong game basketball baseball

3. boring exciting buydifficult

4. bakebreak mixrecipe

. look, read and choose. 看图,选出相应的句子,将序号填在()内。(5分)

1. (a. in london mocky took the tour bus.

b. mocky came back from his trip.

2. (a. lisa’s family went to the great wall last week.

b. they went to shanghai by train.

a. bill went to the park with his friends.

3b. bill visited his friend last sunday.

4a. mike won’t go to the concert.

b. mike plays the guitar very well.

5a. on sunday we’ll h**e a birthday party.

b. we will eat dinner at the restaurant.

. read and choose. 读一读,选一选,将序号填在()内。(5分)

)1. the giraffe isanimal in the zoo.

a. the tall b. taller c. the tallest

)2do you usually play football? i play at the sports center.

a. which b. where c. whose

)3. i want that skirt. i think it’s___one in the store.

a. beautiful b. the more beautiful c. the most beautiful

)4. bento the concert tomorrow.

a. will go b. went c. go

)5. put twoof flour into the bowl.

a. cup b. cups c. some

. complete the table. 完成下列**中形容词的原形、比较级和最高级。(6分)

. read and choose. 读一读,选择合适的单词填空。(5分)

last week, my parents and ivisit, visited)my grandma in beijing. we wentby, on)plane and it was my first trip by plane. it was fun and i was excited.

isit, sat)next to the window. i saw houses, cars on the ground. they were all verysmall, big)!

we arrivedin, at)five o’clock in the afternoon. it was a long trip.

.read and check. 读短文,判断正误。正确写“t”,错误写“f”。(5分)

sam and jack are good friends. sam is twelve. jack is eleven.

sam is 150 centimeters tall. jack is 155 centimeters tall. jack’s f**orite sport is football.

he often plays football after school. sam’s f**orite subject is math. but jack thinks math is the most difficult subject.

he likes english. tomorrow their school will h**e a concert. sam and jack will play together at the concert.

sam will play the guitar and jack will play the piano.


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