人教版五年级上英语第三单元测试试卷 一

发布 2020-11-09 17:58:28 阅读 6079

unit 3综合能力测评。

40分钟 100分) 开始计时。

part 1 speaking说(25%)


1. sandwich 2. salad 3. hamburger 4. ice cream

5. tea 6. fresh 7. healthy 8. delicious

9. hot 10. sweet


1. what would you like to eath

2. what would you like to drink?

3. what's your f**ourite food?

4. i like vegetables. they are healthy.

5. i'd like some chicken. it's delicious.

三、跟读下面的对话。 (10分)

1. —what's your f**ourite food?

salad. it's healthy.

2. —the ice cream is very sweet.

don't eat too much.

3. —what would you like to drink?

tea, please.

4. —what would you like to eat?

i'd like some noodles. it's my birthday today.

happy birthday!

thank you.

part 2 listening听(25%)




) 1. a. my f**orite food is the hamburger.

b. my f**orite food is chicken.

c. my f**orite food is salad.

) 2. a. i'd like some water.

b. i'd like some juice.

c. i'd like some tea.

) 3. a. they're delicious.

b. they're fresh.

c. they're healthy.

) 4. a. her f**orite drink is milk.

b. her f**orite food is rice.

c. her f**orite sport is tennis.

) 5. a. i like vegetables but not onions.

b. i don't like beef but i like chicken.

c. i like ice cream but i don't like tea.


) me too.

) what's your f**orite food?

) apples. they're sweet.

) chicken. it's delicious.

) what's your f**orite fruit?


) 1. a. i'd like some milk.

b. i'd like some beef.

c. i'd like some sandwiches.

) 2. a. pears. b. juice. c. beef.

) 3. a. thanks. b. here you are. c. it's delicious.

) 4. a. yes, i do. b. no, i don't. c. yes, i am.

) 5. a. she'd like some beef and tomatoes.

b. she likes beef and tomatoes.

c. she has beef and tomatoes.

part 3 reading and writing读和写(50%)


1. i can see a yellow flower near the window.

2. look at the cow ahead (在前面). slow down, please.

3. wow! there are so many brown bowls.

4. —i don't know how the weather is in beijing.

oh, it's snowy.

5. it's snowing now. what about tomorrow?


a. pear b. sweet c. chicken d. apple e. hot

f. beef g. fish h. banana i. delicious j. tea


1. please give me twopear).

2. after lunch, i'd like sometea).

3. do you likesandwich)?

4. how fresh thosetomato) are!

5. how manypotato) can you see in the picture?


) 1. my f**orite food is chicken.

) 2. i'd like some noodles. they're delicious.

) 3. i love ice cream.

) 4. we h**e rice and fish today.

) 5. i'd like some salad. it's healthy.


) 1. kate's f**orite food is

a. beef b. potato c. milk

) 2. i like vegetables___not onions.

a. and b. or c. but

) 3. i'd like some___to drink.

a. salad b. tea c. sandwiches

) 4. i like ice creamsweet.

a. it's b. they're c. it

) 5. her f**orite fruit is the

a. water b. bread c. banana


tom: hi, alan.

alan: hello, tom.

tom: 1

alan: sandwiches. 2

tom: 3

alan: no. 4what's your f**orite food?

tom: fruit salad

alan: what would you like to drink?

tom: 5


i'm lucy. i h**e two good friends, lily and jenny. i like ice cream.

it's sweet. i don't like fish. it's usually hot.

lily likes tomatoes. they are healthy. she doesn't like chicken.

jenny likes noodles. they're delicious. she likes apples too.

they're fresh. she doesn't like hamburgers.




提示:★★最喜爱 ★★很喜爱 ★=喜爱。

=可以 ☆☆不喜爱。

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