
发布 2020-11-09 12:03:28 阅读 5529




lbq fu


1. (动物园。

2. (大的。

3. (大象。

4. (森林。

5. (四。

6. (鸟。

7. (游泳。

8. (飞。

9. (跳。

10.( 狼。


)1. can swim ?

)2.—is this a duck? —yes, .

a. it isn’ can’t

)3. can say “moo moo”.

)4. can swim.

) it fly ? no,it .

) the cat ?

) can .

a. )8. is the rabbit ? it’s under the desk.

in the boxapple.

elephant isthe bird is .

bigpanda isthe monkey is .

brown b. fat; fat

)12. look at the elephantnose is long.

) many are there ?

) is the rabbits? it’s .

the box bananas rabbits

) eat ,and tigers eat .

) animal can fly

)17. monkeys are there ? ten.

many )18do they live ?

many ) the elephant.

) can .rabbits can .



is a dog . this a dog ? is this ?

)2、当你的朋友跟你打招呼说“how are you?”,你可以说:

you! thanks! ten year old.


many pandas are there? pandas are there?

pandas are there?


wa,wa old are you ?


bear is thin . bear is fat . bear is long .



)2、how many pigs are there?

( )3、can a horse run?

( )4、where is the are six pigs.

( )5、wheredoseafishlive? in the box.



1. do what eat they (?

2. thin is the monkey (.

3. cow a on the farm lives (.

4. this a chicken is (?

5. does where a fish live (?

would, some, like, juice (?


冀教版小学三年级英语下册第二单元试题听力部分。一 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,每个小题读两遍。1 a fruit 2 a juice a meat 4 a grapes a salt 6 a chicken a melon 10 a jam 二 听录音,用 v 选出小朋友们喜欢的食物,每个小题读两遍...


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