
发布 2020-11-09 09:59:28 阅读 9595


1.名词 father mother parent grandfather grandmother sister brother son daughter ant

父亲母亲父母爷爷奶奶姐妹兄弟儿子女儿姨;姑;婶;舅妈 unclecousinfamily doctor nurse student bus driver


worker工人,farmer农民,science teacher科学老师。


old---young老的—年轻的 tall---short 高的---矮的 big---small大的---小的 long---short 长的---短的,fat—thin胖的—瘦的white白色的,black黑色的,brown棕色的,blue蓝色的,red红色的,only仅有的,唯一的

3.动词 look like看起来像,h**e有,love爱,like喜欢,live居住,work工作,drive开车,walk步行,plant种。

water浇水,cook做饭,help帮助,sit---stand 坐---站

4.人称代词宾格i我, you你/你们,we我们,they他们, she她,he 他,it它。

5.介词 with用;和。一起,together一起,again又;再,beside在旁边,2、短语。


go for a walk去散步,go shopping,去购物,go fishing去钓鱼,work on his computer在他的电脑上工作,plant/water flowers种/浇花,plant vegetables种蔬菜,read books读书,watch tv看电视,watch a film看电影,watch the animals看动物,fly kites放风筝,ride bikes骑自行车,h**e fun玩得高兴,h**e dinner吃晚饭,play with their father和他们爸爸玩,play on the computer玩电脑,play basketball打篮球。

2、介词短语by bus乘公交,by bike乘自行车,by car乘轿车,at the cinema在电影院,at the zoo在动物园,on the farm在农场上,in the park在公园里,in a restaurant在饭店,3、句子。

1、this is my father,my mother and me. 这是我爸爸,我妈妈和我。

2、my parents h**e one child:me! 我父母有一个孩子:我!

3、we all h**e black eyes我们都有黑色的眼睛。

4、he has short brown hair他有短棕色的头发。

5、he walks to work他步行去上班。

6、i like to go for a walk with my grandfather. 我喜欢和我爷爷一起去散步。

7、he likes to plant flowers他喜欢种花。

8、she likes to water flowers她喜欢浇花。

9、he likes to work on his computer. 他喜欢在他的电脑上工作。

10、she helps my grandfather on the farm. 她在农场上帮助我爷爷。

11、jeff is their only childjeff 是他们唯一的孩子。

4、对话。does your father do?—he is a science teacher. 你爸爸是干什么的?—他是一名科学教师。

does he work?—he works in the hospital. 他在哪上班?—他在医院工作。

does he go to work?—he drives to work. 他怎么去上班?—他开车去上班。

does she goes to work?—she goes to work by bike. 她怎么去上班?—她骑自行车去上班。

does joe look like?—she is short and thin. joe是什么样子的?—她是矮的瘦的。

colour is li ming’s hair?—his hair is black. 李明的头发是什么颜色的?—他的头发是黑色的。

old is li ming’s grandmother?=what’s li ming’s grandmother’s age? 李明奶奶多少岁了?

she is seventy-five years old她75岁了。

does your family like to do?—my family likes to go for a walk together.


works on a farm?—susan’s father. 谁在农场上工作?—susan的爸爸。

is jeff?—he is susan’s cousin谁是jeff?—他是susan的堂哥。


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