
发布 2020-11-09 05:10:28 阅读 4375




tree (

zebra (

city (

二。选出不同类的一项。(5 分)

) b. cap c. blue

) grass b. french c. english

) country b. cousin c. grandfather

( )capital b. canada c. china

) aunt c. uncle


) does your mother dohe works at a hospital.

) does he workshe is tall.

)how does your uncle go to work? che likes to cook.

) does your father like to do? dshe is a nurse.

).what does your sister look like? ehe goes to work by bike.

四。 根据提示, 写出下列词的不同形式。(10分)

1. play(现在分词2. do(三单形式。

3. like(现在分词4. tall(反义词。

5. old(反义词6. box(复数。

7. book(复数8. glass(复数。

9. father(对应词10. to(同音词。

五。 英汉互译。(10分)

1. 种菜2. 我的奶奶。

3. 一张中国地图4. 去散步。

5. 放风筝 shopping

white house

cityflag of the

palace museum


( )1. they___english in the

a. talk b. speak c. talking d. speaking

) capital city of the is

a. the white house b. new york c. washington, d. ottawa

( )3. what country is __canada?

a. in b. on c. with d. next to.

( )4. where is big ben? in___

a. australia. b. the c. canada d. the

( )5. what do people speak in canada? they speak __

a. chinese b. english c. french d. english and french

)6. i don’t h**e brothers __sisters.

a. and b. or c. with d. for

( )7. my aunt likes to watch tv,__i like fly a kite.

a. and b. so c. but d. how

)8. what colour is the flag of canada? it’s

a. red b. white c. red, white and blue d. red and white

( )9. australia __beautiful beaches.

a. h**e b. are c. is d. has

)10. what do you know __china?

a. for b. with c. of d. about


they in english australia

2. likes to hiscomputer he on

3. this look map at

4. know about i country our

city beijing of china capital is


there are four people in my family. they are my father, my mother, my sister and me. my father is a teacher.

he is 40 years old. my mother is a doctor. she works in a hospital.

she likes her work very much. my sister is a student. she is a good student.

i am a student,too. i like my school.

( )1. my mother is a teacher.

( )mother is 40 years old.

( )father is a teacher.

) am a student.

) like my school.





冀教版小学数学五年级 上册 期中检测题。姓名班级成。绩。一 填空。厘米 分米 米8 02吨 吨 千克3千克75克 千克。2 根据321 23 7383,很快写出下面各题的积。3 在下面的 里填上 或 23.2 0.9 0.915.6 3.2 3.2 15.61 0.36 13.6 5.2 52 0....


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