
发布 2020-11-05 07:42:28 阅读 9669

unit 2单元知识。

短语。1. your new home 你的新家2. very big 非常大。

3. far from 远离4. live on moon street 住在月亮街。

to school 来学校6. live near school 住在学校附近。

foot 步行8. live in sunshine town 住在阳光小镇。

9. by metro 乘地铁 taxi 打的

11. a taxi driver 一个公交车司机 the street 在大街上。

a new bike 有一辆新自行车 riding it喜欢骑它。

to 想要 his bike to sam=show sam his bike 展示自行车给sam 看。

17. too young太年幼反义词)old

19. think so 认为如此20. sit in the basket 坐在篮子里。

21. visit her 拜访她 there 去那儿。

23. get there 到达那儿24. many cities 许多城市


1.注:居住live in; where,here,there前in/to省去where do you(they) live? 你(他们)住**?

i live on moon street, near city library.


用他改写) =where does he live? he lives …

do you come to school?

su yang and i come to school by bus.

su yang and i take a bus to school


三单改写) =how does he come to school?

he comes to school by bus. 乘巴士。

he takes a bus to school. 乘巴士。

3. where do you live ? i live near school.

i go to school on foot. =i walk to school.


三单改写) =where does he live? he lives…

he goes to school on foot.=he walks to school.

4.(i live/she lives) in sunshine town在阳光镇。

on park street 在公园街。

5. he lives near school. 他住在学校附件。

he lives far from school. 他家离学校远。

it’s far from school.

6. he likes riding it. 他喜欢骑自行车。

7. can i go to school by bike ?

can i ride a bike to school ?


bobby wants to show his bike to sam. =

bobby would like to show sam his bik


bobby’s dad does not think so.

he always sits in the basket.


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